By Ashley Haugerud
I believe that academics always come first. On November 16, the Fillmore Central High School hosted a Scholar Club ceremony to recognize students for their academic excellence. To be in Scholar Club, one must maintain a GPA of 3.5 or higher, with all grades being a “C” or better. The award is based on the previous year’s academic record. Therefore, only 10-12 graders can be members.
This year’s Scholar Club was very memorable, as it was my last. I am a senior this year, and to be on Scholar Club is a very high honor. The ceremony started out with our principle, Heath Olstad gathering everyone’s attention as he introduced our guest speaker. This year we had Michael Aggen, the owner of Oak Meadow Meats, as our guest speaker. He talked about his journey and how he would have never imagined he’d be where he is today. The lesson he taught us all is even though you may have your whole life planned out right now, it may change, so be ready. Change is ok, and everything will work out the way it is supposed too. After our guest speaker talked, Mr. Olstad announced all the sophomore and junior names, as well as their parents’ names. He then announced all the senior names, their parents’ names, and what the seniors’ plans were for next year. The ceremony was followed with pictures and treats.
I have been a member for three years and the recognition for academic success makes the hours of studying worthwhile. Being in Scholar Club is not easy, but it’s definitely not impossible. The past two years I have taken very difficult classes, which makes it hard to maintain that 3.5 GPA, but I still manage to do it. During junior year, some of the hardest classes I took were Pre-Calc, College Government and Econ, Chemistry, and Physics. And now in my senior year I am currently taking College English, College Calculus, Composition, Advanced Chemistry, and College Anatomy and Physiology. I have quite the load of classes, but that’s not all. I am also very involved in school, as well as in my community. In school I am a class officer and am involved in SADD, NHS, Student Council, Meals on Wheels, Radio Show, etc., and in my community I am involved through my church, I am a member of Harmony area Community Foundation, and I help out my neighbors when needed.
Another big part of my life besides academics is music. I participate in band, choir, jazz band, and Tapestry. I am the president of choir, and this past marching band season I was a drum major for the band alongside Alex Love. All of my experiences have shaped me into the person I am today. Although it is a lot to handle, I still succeed in my academics as well. I truly believe anything is possible and all incoming freshman, sophomores, and juniors should make it a goal to be in Scholar Club.
Ashley Haugerud is a student at Fillmore Central High School. She is one of seven area students participating in the Journal Writing Project, now in its 19th year.
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