College should not be free. College will never be free because someone will have to pay for it. Our government does not have enough money to fund college for everyone. If college was free to students, it would be a repeat of high school. There are plenty of resources for students who wish to attend college. Many business, organizations, and people offer generous scholarships. Students have the ability to take out loans that can be payed off after college when they are more financially stable.
The thought of free college is almost unrealistic. There is no way college can be free because someone will have to pay the teachers and cover other expenses. The federal and state governments are already in enough debt, and adding college on top of that would not make sense. They would never get out of debt and get ahead.
Making college free would be too similar to high school. People would not take it as serious as they would if they were paying the price. People would go because their friends did and the value of college degrees would lower. Students would lack the qualifications that employers request if everyone went to college for free.
If you are serious about attending college, then you will find a way to pay for it. You should start by picking a university or program that is realistic for you and one you will be able to pay for when you graduate. There are so many resources available to seniors and college students to help fund college. The resources are not hard to find and if money is an issue, you will have no trouble finding them. Those who don’t wish to seek out the assistance will just have bigger debt when they graduate.
An awesome place to look for financial assistance is at local and big business; many places offer numerous scholarships for college students to help them pay for college. There are also many memorial scholarships available to apply for. Many organizations also offer generous scholarships to college students. There are also grants, which don’t need to be payed back, that can be awarded to college students.
When you apply to a college, you will also apply for financial aid. Financial aid will allow you to take out loans and not make a payment until you graduate. These loans also have a very low interest rate. Financial aid also gives out grants to students who they feel need that extra bit of help.
Attending college should not be free. College could never be free as someone will always be paying. Free college would feel too much like high school all over again. If you do wish to attend college, there are many resources that will help you pay for it. There are many scholarships available to students that are offered by numerous business and organizations. When you apply to college, you will have the ability to take out student loans to help cover the cost until you can afford it.
Kendyl Bennett is a student at Fillmore Central High School. She is one of eight area students participating in the Journal Writing Project, now in its eighteenth year.
lilly says
this is helpful
for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Anonymous says
I agree with you Kendyl. Someone’s gotta pay.