Former Mayor Russ Smith opened the January 9 meeting of the Chatfield city council. Joel Young administered the oath of office to the newly elected mayor, John McBroom. McBroom honored Smith with a plaque for his distinguished service to the community over many years. Young administered the oath of office to reelected councilors Paul Novotny and Mike Urban.
McBroom gave a short statement as to the health of the Chatfield community, concluding it is in good shape. He thanked those who supported and voted for him. Novotny was elected vice mayor.
Fred Suhler Jr. was reappointed to a two-year term as city attorney. Lee Novotny was appointed to a one-year term as prosecuting attorney. The official newspaper will be the Chatfield News. Approval was granted for a list of appointments to various committees, advisory boards and commissions. Meeting dates for committees for 2023-2024 were approved. Finally, financial policy updates were approved.
Enterprise Dr. lots
EDA director Chris Giesen explained the EDA recommends eight unsold lots on Enterprise Dr. be listed with two real estate agents, Tim Danielson and Todd Hadoff. The benefits of the listings will be the listing of the lots on the MLS service, additional signage, and additional marketing outreach. The listing fee is a 7% commission on each sale. Buyers will still be eligible for the existing rebate program that runs through August 2023. Approval was granted for the two listing agreements for the Enterprise Dr. lots as recommended by the EDA.
Other business in brief
• City Engineer Craig Britton first requested and received approval of change order #2 in the amount of $2,667.76 which was a deduction because of the 2022 Ground Water Storage Improvement Project running long, causing additional costs to be incurred by the city. The council then approved payment # 4, the final payment, in the amount of $22,032.24 to Osseo Construction Co LLC for work completed to date on the South Reservoir. The total contract amount after change order #1 was $304,000. Change order #1 reduced the original contract amount ($474,000) by $170,000 for the deduction of work originally planned on the concrete tank. The revised amount with change order #2 for the contract is $301,332.24.
• Britton then requested and received approval of payment application #1 submitted by Pearson Construction in the amount of $92,458.50 for work on Bench St. drainage improvements with the exception of seeding. The work began in late October. All pipe and structures have now been installed, along with completion of most of the grading.
• Young reported he received a grant closeout letter from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Parks and Trails division, for the completion of the Lone Stone Park project.
• Agreements with Andy O’Connor, boys basketball for CCTV, and Ricky Irish, wrestling for CCTV, were approved.
• A contract with ABC for cleaning services was approved.
• An agreement with Smith, Schafer & Associates, LTD for auditing services was approved.
• Approval was given for nine 2023 liquor and beer licenses.
• The city council will meet next on January 23.
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