To the Editor,
Since when has the “far left” included everyone who isn’t far right? Or everyone who didn’t vote for Trump?
You (Jeff) have it so wrong. “Every man for himself” is not the American way, in my humble but broadly-educated opinion.
1. To accuse supporters of a sane firearms policy of “wanting to tear up the bill of rights” is childish. 2. Legalization of pot in every state and at the federal level is inevitable and right. God gave us every green plant. 3. All other first world countries have single payer health care and pay to care for anyone who shows up. These countries are a lot healthier than the U.S. 4. Taxpayers, including the students themselves, already pay off most student loans. Some are forgiven for permanent and total disability. In some other countries, all higher education is tax friendly. 5. Maybe a few people think about some of your other hair-brained accusations, but seriously? 6. The new idea of reparations for descendants of former slaves needs to take the form of economic justice, equal access, and the end of housing discrimination, not cash payments.
Would you please be a little more attentive to the fact that most people on the left are not far left at all? In my day (I’m 73) the “far left” was the Communists and domestic terrorists; the moderate left opposed war and leaned more or less toward socialism; the moderate right were pro-war and one generation richer; and the “far right” was Ronald Reagan.
Can’t we all be a little more moderate again? Ranting against everyone else’s ideas, indiscriminately, is the method of madmen, demagogues, and mumbling curmudgeons.
Alima Fairchild
Rushford, Minn.
Aaron Bishop says
Greetings Jeff,
What you call “draconian” gun control laws may be another centrist’s common sense gun legislation. As far as I am aware, Alima gave no details on her position on the matter. Certainly nothing to suggest they are draconian. Of course, there are the fringe left who idealize the improbable/impossible scenario of an Australia-esque ban on virtually all firearms, but I hope you can recognize there are many Democrats who are members of the NRA. There is not going to be a massive governmental seizure of all the guns in America. And not because of GOP/NRA resilience. What is sought after from the majority of Americans is common sense gun reform including the closure of gun show loopholes. Of course, there are the fringe right as well. I’m not sure whether you identify with those who believe Americans should be able to walk around downtown with RPGs or drive in tanks so they feel “secure” but they exist. It would be improper and dishonest to label all conservatives as believers in such ideologies.
When large oil companies get their tax breaks extended after making record profits, that’s American tax dollars essentially being redistributed away from the economic engine that the working class/middle income families are supposed to be driving. I was under the impression the Trump Administration with the GOP majority House and Senate were going to fix the U.S. tax code. After speaking with a local accountant, it’s clear it has become more problematic and incomplete than before. To be fair, I spoke with only one accountant and it is admittedly anecdotal evidence. However, the President seemed upset in his Tweets when Netflix and other large companies like Amazon paid nothing in income taxes. This is been going on under both Democratic and Republican leadership. Perhaps you and I could agree that the present and past administrations play a good game saying they’ll fix the tax loopholes, but find it troublesome to do when push comes to shove? It is of the opinions of some that we should be searching for better investments for these tax dollars. At least some form of government assistance for public colleges and university students is a sound form of investment. Note, I said “public” colleges and universities. I believe most folks would be opposed to subsidizing private education.
Legalizing marijuana is not a partisan topic. I believe that is a generational thing. Not entirely, of course, but mostly.
Socialized medicine is found in most first-world nations. Why must the United States continue being the “dog-eat-dog” world? Name all the countries with socialized medicine that are trying to repeal it.
What is your knowledge of the form the reparations would likely come in? Is the entire idea something you disagree with or specific proposals? When the U.S. Government is in the wrong and admits to being in the wrong to groups of individuals, what forms of compensation, if any, seems reasonable to you?
What organizations, be they private or public, should receive government subsidies or unequal tax breaks, if any?
Jeffrey Erding says
Ok Alima, lets take a look at where you’re at.
Draconian gun control.
Socialized Medicine
Legalized pot
Reparations to slave descendants and same sex couples.
Free college
Taxpayers footing the bill for student loans
And you claim to be a Moderate Democrat??? 🙄😏