The SWCD has once again begun its annual tree sales program. We offer a variety of bare root shrubs, deciduous trees and conifers and potted conifers. We sell good quality trees, but offer no guarantee of survival. Quantities are limited, so order your trees early for the best selection. Payment is required with your order and should be received at the SWCD office by Friday, February 24, 2017. Trees usually arrive in mid-April. Purchasers will be notified by postcard or email about the days, time and location for tree pickup.
Other items available for sale from the SWCD include fertilizer packets, tree mats and staples. Available for rent are tree bars and tree planters to make planting easier and more efficient.
If you would like to order a tree or shrub not listed on our order form, please call our office at (507) 765-3878, ext. 3 and we can check availability from our supplier. Order forms are available in this insert, at the SWCD office in Preston at 900 Washington Street NW, or online at Descriptions of the trees on the tree order form can also be found on the website.
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