By Pastor Kevin Barnhart
Spring Grove Evangelical Free
I remember hearing that expression growing up. But when I was young it didn’t make any sense to me. However, as I have had more life experience the adage seems true. Why does it rain so much or so little? Even a committed atheist will pray for rain or for it to stop raining, which is an interesting phenomenon isn’t it? Why would we talk to someone when we aren’t sure they exist? Maybe just in case – it can’t hurt. Prayer even for the most faithful is a discipline that requires faith and perseverance. But why does it rain so much or so little? We are told that the rain falls on the just and unjust alike. That rain is not given or withheld according to merit or spiritual status. On other occasions, droughts have occurred for specific reasons and for specific times. It seems on the balance of what the Bible has to say that the rain falls on the just and unjust alike is the general operating system and the droughts are the exception – a specialized tool used by God for His purposes when He deems necessary.
So why does God let rain fall indiscriminately? Some would say He doesn’t; they don’t believe in God or if they do it’s a Deist God – a busy God who doesn’t have time for your little problems of flooding or drought. After all He is busy running a universe. Depending on the Deist they may say He isn’t ever even really doing that – He is off playing golf and is letting this crazy machine run on without interference.
But then why pray to a God who doesn’t care? In that case God is great as in powerful but not good. Worse yet what do we do with the promises of God? When God says He cares for the broken hearted. Or Jesus preaching that he came to proclaim release. How can God be near to the broken hearted if He is off ignoring creation?
So, what about rain? Why won’t God use rain as an instant measure of His favor. If our Heavenly Father is pleased why not give more of what we need and if we are preforming poorly then less? It’s an atmospheric performance-based relationship. I think many parents know what’s wrong with performance-based relationships. When affection is earned through performance or right behaviors, it poisons the possibility of true love.
What if God decided to let rain fall on everyone or not because He didn’t want to buy your affection with something you wanted other than Him. What if God refused to enable an ugly transactional for “love” because He was holding out for the real thing?
In the end I think that explains our mystery – the answer is love. That God loves you, and wants you to love Him back, He isn’t interested in bribing you. He isn’t interested in a transactional love where you give Him something and then you get what you really want which isn’t Him. Nope. He loves you enough to hold out for a day when you might love Him back with all your heart, soul, and strength.
How about it – will you love Him back, rain or shine?
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