A celebration of the restoration of the World War I Memorial Entrance at the Fillmore County Fairgrounds in Preston is being planned for Tuesday, July 16, at 6 p.m. The celebration will include flag corps from each military organization in the county (VFW and American Legion) marching in uniform from the Trailhead in Preston to the Memorial Entrance at the fairgrounds. All retired and active duty military from all branches of the service as well as the general public are invited to attend the short program that will be held at the entrance. Refreshments will follow at the Memorial Gate.
The Fillmore County Fair Board is working on the restoration of the entrance following a successful campaign earlier this year to raise funds for the work. Replacement of the cement blocks which are broken, reconstruction of flag pole supports, and re-roofing of the structure are part of the restoration being completed in time for the celebration.
The celebration will be commemorative of the event held one hundred years ago on August 26, 1919, that welcomed home the soldiers from World War I. Make plans now to join us for the event.
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