By Aaron Swaaartzentruber
Greenleafton, MN
The God of the Bible that consists of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit can not be the god of the Qu’ran (Islams holy book) because the god of the Qu’ran did not have a son?
In “The Common Word Document” they keep emphasizing that their god is one. In the third chapter of the document they quote their holy book: “and that we shall ascribe no partner unto him (their god).” That means there’s no trinity. They go on to say that that quote relates to the unity of God, which is nothing more than a deceptive twisting of their own “holy writings,” knowing that they can deceive the undiscerning “christian” by the phrase “unity of God.” I mean c’mon, think about this, “we ascribe no partner to him” but yet that talks about his unity, what unity? He’s one with no partners, remember. How can their be unity among one person? Or better yet, how can their be disunity among one person? And if there’s no disunity than there’s no need for unity.The bottom line is that their god is not the triune God of the Bible no matter how many influential “christian” leaders have endorsed this document.
I am sure that the Muslim leaders and Imams who put this document forth are laughing behind closed doors at how easy it is to deceive their victim.
Maybe you think it’s ridiculous to call ourselves their victim. But that’s indeed what we are. We are their victims by our own hands…now that’s ridiculous! Let me explain. In 1991 they wrote an “Explanatory Memorandum” that explains their plans. It says: “The Ikhwan (the Muslim brotherhood) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” That sounds like the world wide caliphate of ISIS, doesn’t it? Their plan also includes “Friendship Societies with the other religions.” This document was entered into evidence in the U.S. v Holy Land Foundation trial in 2008. It met evidentiary standards to be admissable as evidence in a Federal Court of law.
Interfaith dialogue with Islam is not only harmful to the Church, it is also a major national security threat.
So are we to love our enemies who are destroying us? It’s true that Jesus said, “love your enemies” (Matthew 5:44). But He also said, “he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36) Perhaps there is a time to love our enemies but there’s also a time to arm ourselves to defend ourselves. It’s like one preacher said: we need to use some old fashioned, sanctified, common sense on these issues. What are you going to do if a thief breaks into your house and attempts to rob you or rape your wife, your mother, or your sister? Are you just going to say peace brother, I’m commanded to love my enemies so I can’t fight you and defend my house and myself? We need, first of all, to arm ourselves with the knowledge of The Word of God, in context, so that the enemy can’t push us over with the phrases “love your enemies” and “judge not.”
Let’s love Muslims enough to tell them the truth. And should they heed the truth, they will be eternally grateful. Grateful that we didn’t tell them how much Christianity and Islam have in common. Jesus says, “come unto me” (Matthew 11:28) that includes you, dear Muslim. It’s not enough to acknowledge Jesus as a good teacher or even a prophet. In Matthew 19:16-22 a rich young ruler called Him a “good master.” He acknowledged Him, and yet Jesus basically said it’s impossible for him to get to Heaven. Why? Because he refused to follow Jesus who is The Way. “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)
Until next time… (page 16-17)
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