To the Editor,
OK, Jeff, you’re absolutely right. As soon as Trump stole the election, the more thoughtful Democrats started thinking about impeachment. We were horrified that such an insincere, frivolous, unprincipled person could possibly be put in charge of our country for four years. It is not that the House of Representatives is panicked. Trump has just finally overstepped and done his dirty business publically enough to get caught. By comparing stories that you report (whistleblowers “allegedly” coached by Congressman Adam Schiff) to those reported by National Public Radio, an outlet for less biased than network TV, I find that the polemics of the right bear little resemblance to objective facts.
Trump lies. You all repeat his lies as facts. Your mindless droids build molehills of invention into mountains of tweets repeating the lies. All this does is spread hate and lies.
There is no “Obama/Clinton/Biden/Comey regime.” The only regime right now is the Trump regime, which tries to pretend it is fighting for you against the “evil” Democrats. (Only 37% of Americans believe him.)
Guess what? The only one Trump is fighting for is Trump. If he gave a good g.d. for farmers, small business people or families, he would speak and act like a real president, instead of a celebrity who thinks he can do no wrong and doesn’t even (maybe) believe in right and wrong.
Remember Revelation? The number of the Beast? Guess what the address of the N.Y. Trump tower is. Why don’t you fanatical fundamentalists believe your own biblical sources? Don’t sell your souls. Dump Trump!
Alima Fairchild
Rushford, Minn.
Kim wentworth says
I so love reading letters from wackos, um, democrats. Let’s face it, if you can’t beat a lying, crooked, murderous, fraud then you are pretty bad off. So funny that “your whistleblower” has NOW blew up in your face. Do you know the definition of a whistleblower??? It is not a person who stays behind a curtain. Enjoy 2020, MN, my state, going RED!!! Think me wrong?
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
//Do you know the definition of a whistleblower??? It is not a person who stays behind a curtain.//
Do you know who Deep Throat was and when it was that his name was released? And why?
You should consider your words and compare what you actually understand vs. what you really understand more carefully.
Kim Wentworth says
Tommy, in this case there is NO whistleblower. NONE. The dude is nothing more than a penciled neck political hack. You trying to lecture me on what I know and don’t know is so funny. But hey, just wait and see. And I will be here to remind you of your stupidity.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Kim
What his name?
Jeffrey Erding says
Wow, Ms. Fairchild. Your Trump Derangement Syndrome is out of control.
Please explain why you feel Mr. Trump
“Stole the Election”. He won plenty of electoral votes. Interested to hear justification for your position.
His Administration is fighting for Americans every day, encouraging job creation, cutting taxes for business and workers, and negotiating better trade deals.
Unemployment is at record lows for all Americans, especially minorities. Wages are up for all workers, and are getting better every day. Job killing, needless regulations are being rolled back.
The Isis Caliphate is destroyed. Al Baghdadi is dead. Mr. Trump is trying to bring our forces home, as he promised.
He is making progress securing our borders and deporting dangerous illegal aliens. His administration is working every day to alleviate the opioid crises.
Today, the stock market hit an all time high. Anyone who wants to work has plenty of jobs to choose from..
There is no justification for your criticisms except hate for Mr. Trump and all his supporters. Your positions are devoid of any facts or logic. I am truly sorry you harbor so much hate that you are unable to acknowledge the good things happening in America. It must be so sad to spend endless days feeling so much impotent frustration.
Unfortunately for everyone like you, the investigation of the Obama, Clinton, Comey regime is alive and well, and a grand jury has authorized John Durham to proceed with it as a criminal investigation. This is looking bad for the swamp dwellers you blindly support.
When it comes to credibility, Ms. Fairchild, I have a great deal and you have none. You have been consistently wrong on every topic: my positions have been proven right every time. Prove me wrong. I’m waiting.
Thomas E.H. says
@ Hawkeye63/Jeff Erding
You should first illustrate that you know what would constitute as proof.
Because I don’t think you know what it means sometimes.
Kim wentworth says
The dem clowns in the house would love to find proof, except they only have lies to base their search on.