To the Editor,
Our long liberal democracy experiment that seeks to protect the interest of minorities is under assault. Two of Trump’s biggest supporting groups, white supremacists and white conservative evangelical Christians, are groups who seek male domination and would often prefer lesser civil rights not only for females, but also for LGBTQ, non-Christian, and other minority citizens.
Republican judges have already given democracy a severe blow by allowing unlimited secret money flows in our elections, by the Supreme Court’s Citizen United decision which was made law by the five Republican appointed Justices, with the four dissenting votes coming from Justices appointed by Democrats. Current court-packing will make things even worse. After white conservative Christians accepted Trump, the admitted sexual assaulter, it was obvious that male domination was central in their catechism. Seeing others make a deal with the Devil, the hate-spewing rallies, the undermining of our democracy, and even an increased push towards the ruination of our world by climate change, makes one wonder about the survival of our democracy. If Trump was mentally stable and intelligent, I would worry greatly about losing our democracy. As it is, I remain hopeful that the center can somehow hold.
Greg Rendahl
Ostrander, Minn.
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