By Wanda Hanson
The Houston School Board showed its flexibility in many ways at their September 17 meeting. A new seating configuration awaited their arrival at the meeting. Since the public had commented that not all of the board could be seen on their YouTube stream, the board seating arrangement was reconfigured with plexiglass dividers used to continue to ensure social distancing and still get all of the members on the screen.
One of the first items of business was to hire six more teachers for the MNVA.
New elementary teachers included Jeanine Kangas, Bobbi Lind, Eeva Nikula, Laurie Rupp, and Brittany Wacker; Kristi Westerbur was hired as a business teacher. Twelve current MNVA teachers took on the role of MNVA instructional trainers. These teachers will work as triage to help new teachers as they wait for the new digital navigator to help them. The board appreciated the need for the help and expressed their concern that the instructional trainers are not overworked. Superintendent Krin Abraham assured the board that the trainers had volunteered to help, knowing the new teachers needed the assistance.
Another need for flexibility came as Abraham asked permission to include a 10-passenger van and a 77-passenger bus in the school’s amended CRF application. At this time, a para was driving three routes with a van, disinfecting between each run; one of the bus routes is at capacity — if any students need to switch to bussing, the school would not be able to transport them. Chairman Tom Stilin clarified that the board did not want to take away money from other needs. Abraham informed the board that they had been given $505,000 and this would not affect other needs funding. CRF funding will need to be applied for by the end of September.
Abraham reminded the board that funding for the new high school on-site teacher computers would need to be from GEER (Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund) because they were already in the school’s budget.
ESSER (Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund) will be used to help fund the increased fee assessed by the MSHL for COVID losses. The board had already approved $3,792; the league has assessed an additional $5,000 for a total of $8,792 compared to last year’s fee of $2,530.
Looking at the World’s Best Workforce Goals for the upcoming school year, the board once again saw the need for flexibility. Deciding to keep their goals the same as last year, the board acknowledged that the school’s main goal this year was to educate the students in whatever scenario they found themselves in throughout the year.
The board next addressed the new needs of the school. Currently the activities director position is paid as a .14 teacher’s contract. Acknowledging that COVID and its accommodations have added to the AD’s workload, the board is looking into bundling the position for next year with a communications director, another need faced by the school. High School Principal Michael Mangan opined that the AD and communications would be a good combination.
Superintendent Abraham also told the board that MNVA needed an additional administrative assistant to help with additional workload created by the MNVA’s growth in student numbers. Mimi Carlson encouraged the hiring of an assistant; Michaeleen Bonner asked if funding could come out of CARES or CRF funds.
In other business the board:
•Approved a contract with HVED for counselor/therapist services;
•Gratefully accepted a donation of $1,700 from Houston American Legion; the funds will be used for extra alcohol wipes needed this year;
•Accepted a donation of $1,975 with gratitude from the Houston Booster Club for weight room improvements (Community members had seen a real need for equipment when the machines were moved outside for social distancing this spring.); certified a proposed levy 2020-2021 with an effect of $130 on a $100,000 home per year.
The Houston School Board will meet next on October 1 at 6 p.m. Meetings are live streamed on YouTube. The public is encouraged to attend the meeting or submit questions and comments on the school’s website.
Photo: Plexiglass enables the entire board to be on screen for their meeting: Superintendent Krin Abraham, Mimi Carlson, Josh Norlien, Chairman Tom Stilin, Ronald Evenson, Gene Lundak, Arlin Peterson, and Michaeleen Bonner.
Photo by Wanda Hanson
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