At the Houston County Commission meeting on April 23, there was a 4-1 vote in favor of Sheriff Brian Swedberg’s proposal to include an eight-day Juvenile Detention Center within the county jail. Chairman Eric Johnson cast the only dissenting vote.
Chairman Johnson called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
In attendance were all five commissioners: Dewey Severson, Chairman Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt, and Greg Myhre.
Sheriff Swedberg brought the idea up of housing juveniles at the county jail when the county started looking for alternatives when they learned that the Winona contract would not be renewed. After months of research and still lots of unanswered questions, Houston County is one step closer to housing juveniles at the county jail.
County resident Chuck Schulte took the opportunity to speak before the board during the public comment portion of the meeting. He presented a comprehensive set of eight questions to the commissioners and sheriff concerning the proposed plan. The questions covered topics such as the requirements for operating a juvenile detention center, financial responsibility for a psychologist if required, provision of educational programs for juveniles, potential supplementary insurance needs, healthcare staffing, staffing levels, staff training, and the rationale behind an eight-day detention.
Sheriff Swedberg emphasized that there are plenty of unknowns because “we are all new to this.” However, he pointed out that the Department of Corrections (DOC) has assessed the jail and indicated that transforming an area of the jail into an eight-day juvenile detention center with eight beds would incur minimal expenses. Similarly, there would be minimal costs incurred for staff training, which will consist of either in-house or online training.
The cost amounts to $300 per juvenile per bed. If a county opts for a 365-day contract with the proposed juvenile detention center, the rate decreases to $250 per juvenile per bed, totaling $91,250 annually. The sheriff noted that counties have the option to secure a bed through an agreement, guaranteeing its availability regardless of whether it’s utilized.
An eight-day facility is needed in southeast Minnesota. Swedberg explained that there are only two eight-day holding facilities serving southeast Minnesota, Carver County on the west side of the Twin Cities and Washington County on the east side of the Twin Cities.
Houston County Attorney Samuel Jandt shared letters he received from the county attorneys in Goodhue County, Wabasha County, Winona County, Mower County, Fillmore County and Rice County, who are all in support of an eight-day detention center in Houston County.
Caledonia School Superintendent Ihrke emphasized that by state statute the school must provide classes, and the school will invoice the school where the student resides. Commissioner Burns emphasized the importance of making sure that the school is not financially impacted.
Juveniles must be at least 14 years old. The juvenile detention center will house both males and females. Sheriff Swedberg confirmed that there must be a female jailer 24/7 if there is a female juvenile inmate housed in the detention center.
Superintendent Ihrke asked one last question. What will the name of the facility be? The name is required by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). All agreed that the name would be the Houston County Juvenile Detention Center.
The board unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the minutes from the April 16 regularly scheduled board meeting.
Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) District Supervisor, Rená Patterson explained, “I am here to get the board’s blessing to use the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) board as our advisory board so if we have issues, we can take it to the CJCC.” She noted that is what they do already, and that Commissioner Burns is a member of the CJCC board. She also shared the DOC’s written comprehensive plan with the board, confirming that the plan has been in place and has been used over the years but was never in writing.
Items approved on the consent agenda include the salary banding and pay rate change for Assistant County Attorney Suzanne Bublitz, the appointment of Amy Molling as full-time deputy recorder, the assignment of Rachel Meyer as the interim jail administrator, authorization to begin the search for a full-time jail administrator, and the hiring of Amy Gehrke as a 67-day boat patrol deputy for the upcoming boating season.
In other business, the board:
- Approved the MOA (Memorandum of Agreement) with Law Enforcement Labor Services, Inc. Local #60 in regard to the appointment of an Interim Jail Administrator.
- Unanimously approved the claims for payment.
- Adjourned the meeting at 10:41 a.m.
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