At the May 7, 2024, Houston County Commission meeting, District 3 Commissioner Robert (Bob) Burns announced that he is not running for re-election.
Three commissioners are up for re-election, District 1 – Dewey Severson, District 3 – Robert Burns, and District 5 – Greg Myhre. Candidates have from May 21, 2024, until June 4, 2024, at 5 p.m. to file.
Chairman Eric Johnson called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 9 a.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
In attendance were all five commissioners: Dewey Severson, Chairman Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt and Greg Myhre.
The board unanimously approved the meeting agenda and the minutes from the April 23 regularly scheduled commission meeting.
All nine items on the consent agenda received unanimous approval in one swift motion. This included granting a consumption and display permit for Lawrence Lake Marina, as well as acknowledging the resignation of Dylan Felton, Sharen Lapham, and Elizabeth Knutson who were thanked for their combined service of 40 years to the residents of Houston County. The commissioners approved the hiring of Darlene Johnson as deputy auditor/treasurer for the license center and Holly Ingvalson as assistant custodian. The Personnel director was authorized to begin a search for a Commercial Property appraiser, Adult Mental Health social worker, and a Public Health nurse.
There were no public comments and one single appointment concerning the school zone speed limit request on CSAH6/CSAH 29 (Elm Street) with the City of La Crescent. La Crescent Police Chief Luke Ahlschlager, La Crescent City Engineer Tim Hruska, and Houston County Engineer Brian Pogodzinski were on hand to share their findings with the commissioners and answer any questions. It was a consensus that the speed limit should be lowered to 20 mph around all schools when children are present. Commissioner Severson would like to see the locations finalized and presented to the commission in two weeks. Chief Ahlschlager stressed that it is “all about safety for children.”
The board approved Bolten and Mento to conduct an aeronautical survey for the RNAV approach. The total cost is $94,000 with the county responsible for $4,700. The balance is the responsibility of the FAA ($84,600) and the State’s share is $4,700.
The commissioners did not take any action on the construction of an eight-plane tee hanger at the county’s airport nor did the commissioners approve land rental rates for the Houston County Airport. Commissioners Severson, Johnson, and Burns requested more information including the cost of building a tee hanger.
The commissioners approved the work order under the MnDOT Partnership agreement at an estimated cost of $124,094.94 to have MnDOT stripe the county roads. Pogodzinski explained the MnDOT will not mark the crosswalks and the road symbols on the county roads this year. The engineering estimate was $57,047.84. The board approved the low quote from Century Traffic for $59,912.
The commissioners approved the low quote of $112,714.61 from Buening Rock for maintenance rock (stockpile aggregate, Class 5, delivered).
In other business, the board:
- Accepted the low bid of $40,500 from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers, LLC for crack filling at the airport.
- Approved rezone for Jason and Amber Wieser to rezone an area from the agricultural protection district to residential district in La Crescent Township.
- Approved the claims.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 a.m.
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