At the October 22 meeting of the Houston County Board of Commissioners, the board unanimously accepted the resignation of County Attorney Samuel Jandt effective January 4, 2025. At the same time, the board accepted the reassignment of Amelia Meiners from the position of Interim Environmental Services Director to probationary, full-time Environmental Services Director, effective October 23.
Commissioner Bob Burns said that he was sad to see Jandt go.
Chairman Eric Johnson called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. in Room 222 of the historic courthouse in downtown Caledonia. He led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
All the board members were present: Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt, and Greg Myhre.
The board unanimously approved the agenda and the minutes from the regular board meeting on September 15.
There were no public comments or scheduled appointments.
Johnson mentioned that he read in the Post Bulletin that the City of Oronoco, Minn. got rid of their public comment period. Burns questioned whether they could do that or not. Johnson added that he thought that was strange.
Commissioner Burns explained that at a recent district meeting of counties, that he had shared that Houston County is struggling with their cannabis ordinance, particularly regarding the number of retail stores that should be allowed in the county. Some of the other counties have already established their cannabis ordinances or are in the process of conducting their second readings with many of them going with the minimum number of retail establishments. He emphasized the need for Houston County to move forward with its ordinance. Thursday, October 24 the county’s planning commission is meeting in Room 222 in the courthouse.
Commissioner Burns shared that Winona County Commission Marcia Ward mentioned at the district meeting that there is a business approaching farmers in Winona County about purchasing entire farms for the establishment of solar fields. The board agreed that Commissioner Myhre should bring it up at the planning/zoning meeting on Thursday evening.
In other business, the board:
- Accepted cash donations totaling $525 for the Extension Tesmer Farm Safety Day. Commissioner Johnson said, “It is a very importance day for teaching fourth graders about farm safety and other things, too, as well.” Commissioner Myhre added, “It’s a very good deal.”
- Adopted Resolution No. 24-39 which closes out contract #069 with Scott Construction Inc. for bituminous seal coat on County Roads 16 and 3. The total cost of the project amounted to $466,941.81, with the final payment totaling $31,213.71. The original contract amount was $448,814.23, resulting in the project going over by 4.04%, due to increasing the amount of oil used on County Road 3.
- Adopted Resolution No. 24-40, closing out contract #336 with Minnowa Construction Inc. for a bridge replacement on County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 20. The total cost of the project was $212,407.12. The original contract was $207,130.25. The final payment is $10,620.36. The overage is a result of additional stabilization work.
- Approved the payments totaling $438,147.79. Interim Administrator Carol Lapham confirmed that the $142,058.39 payment to Nuss Truck & Equipment is for the plow truck.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:41 p.m.
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