Mayor Scott Wallace called the City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. September 9, 2024, with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council present: Zeb Baumann, Emily Krage, Cody Mathers, and Steve Westby. Staff present: Michelle Quinn, Ed Jacobs, Josh Hongerholt, Brett Hurley, and Steve Skifton. A listing of public members present is on file.
American Legion Helicopter Proposal: Lyle Ellis expressed appreciation for the support of the helicopter proposal. He restated that there would be no cost to the city. The Legion has secured donations to cover all expenses including transport of the helicopter from Michigan to Houston, concrete for the pad, and welding for the mount. Motion by Mathers, seconded by Krage to approve the proposal to install a helicopter and grant permission for the mount to be on city property. Motion carried unanimously.
Preliminary Budget & Levy: The preliminary levy reflects an increase of approximately 3%. Motion by Westby, seconded by Mathers to adopt the preliminary budget, levy, and adopt the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
Be It Resolved by the city council of the City of Houston, County of Houston, Minnesota, adopts the Preliminary 2025 Budget and that the following sums of money be levied for the current year, collectable in 2025, upon the taxable property in the City of Houston, for the following purposes:
General Fund 198,000
Library Fund 40,500
Ambulance Fund 10,000
Fire Fund 20,000
Park/Rec Fund 2,500
Nature Center Fund 51,000
Vehicle Fund 25,000
Infrastructure Fund 22,000
2016A Ellsworth Street Bond 73,100
2017A Street & Utility Improvement Bond 55,200
2020 MiEnergy Loan 30,000
2020B Lincoln Street Reconstruction Bond 54,000
2020C Community Center Renovation Bond 18,450
Total Levy $599,750
The city administrator is hereby instructed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the county auditor of Houston County, Minnesota.
Summer Recreation 2025 Season: Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby to authorize posting for a Summer Recreation Director and also a Flower Care Attendant for the 2025 season. Motion carried unanimously.
MnDOT Snow Removal Contract and Resolution: Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby to approve the State of Minnesota Joint Powers Agreement for Non-Professional/Technical Services with an effective date of July 1, 2024, or the date State obtains all required signatures and expires June 20, 2029, and adopt the following. Motion carried unanimously.
IT IS RESOLVED that the City of Houston enter into MnDOT Agreement No. 1056791 with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes:
To provide for payment by the State to the City for the State’s share of the costs of the snow and ice removal on Trunk Highway No. 16 from Henderson Street to Washington Street within the corporate City Limits.
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the Mayor, and the City Administrator are authorized to execute the Agreement and any amendments to the Agreement.
Truth in Taxation Public Hearing: The city is required to schedule a Truth in Taxation (TNT) hearing. Motion by Baumann, seconded by Mathers to schedule the TNT hearing for Monday, December 9, 2024, beginning at 6:15 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.
Root River Trail Extension – Citizens Exploratory Committee Appointee: Motion by Westby, seconded by Baumann to appoint Margaret Knutson as a City of Houston representative on the Root River Trail Extension – Citizens Exploratory Committee. Motion carried unanimously.
Fee for EV Charging: The city installed a dual head EV Charging Station through a grant from ZEFNET and MiEnergy. The charging station went online in April/May 2023. At the time, the council chose to provide charging free of charge as an amenity to support and encourage tourism. It was agreed to monitor use and once the charging station cost $25 per month consistently to consider charging for the service. The station has met the threshold in 5 of the most recent 8 months and 9 out of 16 overall. Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby to approve charging $0.20 kWh for EV Charging. Motion carried unanimously.
Gambling Permit: Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby to approve a gambling permit with no waiting period for the Houston Volunteer Fireman’s Relief Association for an event to be hosted at the Houston Community Center on February 15, 2025. Motion carried unanimously.
Firefighter Plan Benefit Level: Fire Chief Skifton provided a brief history and overview of the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan. The plan does receive state funding and is self-sustaining. Skifton recommended an increase in the benefit level to $1,900. Motion by Mathers, seconded by Westby to increase the benefit level from $1,800 per year of service to $1,900 per year of service which will provide a 110% funding ratio and to adopt the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
The City Council of the City of Houston, Minnesota, does ordain:
1) The City hereby approves an increase in the benefit level for firefighters who have completed at least 5 years of good time service credit as a member of the Statewide Volunteer Firefighter Plan administered by PERA at the $1,900 benefit level per year of service, effective January 1, 2025; and
2) The City Clerk/Administrator and Mayor are hereby authorized to execute all documents necessary to effectuate the intent of this resolution.
Status Change for Probational Firefighters: Two probationary firefighters have successfully completed their probationary period. Fire Chief Skifton requested their status be changed to regular volunteer firefighter. Motion by Baumann, seconded by Westby to change the status of Trent Edwards, effective October 3, 2024, and Andy Loken effective immediately due to having joined the department with 9 years prior experience with another Minnesota Department. Motion carried unanimously.
Tree Board: The Tree Board received a request/inquiry whether several trees along the south side of the 300 block of Spruce Street would/could be removed as part of the 2025 Street & Utility project. The adjoining property owner believes the trees were planted too closely together.
The trees are not slated for removal on the attached draft tree removal plan.
The City Tree Inspector viewed the trees which are healthy. The trees do not qualify for condemnation.
The Tree Board is willing to compromise in the event the property owner feels strongly about removing some or all of the trees. They recommend the following:
- The property owners will be responsible for 100% of removal expenses.
- Stumps may be ground. They may not be removed via backhoe. There is concern that backhoe removal could/would result in damage to the roots of remaining trees negatively impacting their health.
- In the event a portion of the trees are removed, the tree board would request a tree be donated for planting in the city park.
Motion by Mathers, seconded by Krage to affirm the recommendation of the tree board. Motion carried unanimously.
Houston County Hazard Mitigation Plan: As part of the Houston County Hazard Mitigation Plan update, the county developed a local mitigation action chart for the City of Houston. The mitigation actions included are drawn from the Local Mitigation Survey the city submitted and reflect the priorities of the city for the next 5 years. Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby to approve the Hazard Mitigation Chart. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes and Bills: Motion by Krage, seconded by Baumann to approve the minutes of the August 5, 2024, regular meeting, and bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Items to be Placed on File: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Westby to place on file the following items. Motion carried unanimously.
Library minutes, reports, and statistics
Correspondence from Houston Hoedown Committee
Department Head Updates:
Bolton & Menk: A written update related to the CSAH 13/Spruce Street Project is on file. It was agreed that Councilpersons Westby and Krage will attend the neighborhood meeting scheduled for 5:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11th.
Adjourn: Motion by Westby, seconded by Krage to adjourn the meeting at 7:13 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Council is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
By: Scott Wallace, Mayor
Attest: Michelle Quinn, Clerk/Administrator
Above proceedings are only a summary. Full text available for public inspection at City Hall as well as the following website:
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