Mayor Scott Wallace called the City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. January 13, 2025, with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council present: Mayor Scott Wallace, Zeb Baumann, Emily Krage, Danny Todd, and Steve Westby. Staff present: Michelle Quinn, Anna Frauenkron, Josh Hongerholt, Brett Hurley, Ed Jacobs, and Randy Thesing. A list of public members present is on file.
Ambulance Equipment Proposal: Motion by Todd, seconded by Westby to authorize the purchase of two monitors in an amount not to exceed $110,000 which meet the needs of the department. Motion carried unanimously.
Appointments: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Westby to approve the committee appointments as discussed. Motion carried unanimously.
Official Newspaper: Motion by Krage, seconded by Todd to designate the Fillmore County Journal as the official newspaper and to accept their bid for display ads, financial statements, and legal notices along with other bids provided for display ads. Motion carried unanimously.
Official Depository: Motion by Krage, seconded by Baumann to designate Rushford State Bank as the official depository, update the account powers, and adopt the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
Account Powers Granted Rushford State Bank Banking
BE IT RESOLVED, the Houston City Council authorizes Finance Director/Treasurer Suzanne Peterson the authority to open any deposit or share accounts in the name of City of Houston and further authorizes Clerk Administrator Michelle Quinn, Finance Director/Treasurer Suzanne Peterson, and Mayor Scott Wallace to endorse checks and orders for the payment of money or otherwise withdraw or transfer funds on deposit with the requirement of two signatures with this Financial institution.
Public Works: Seasonal Maintenance: On the recommendation of the hiring committee, motion by Todd, seconded by Westby to hire Daniel Gavin as a seasonal maintenance person at the same rate as 2024 on an as needed basis not to exceed 185 from first assignment to last. Motion carried unanimously.
Flower Care Attendant: On the recommendation of the hiring committee, motion by Todd, seconded by Westby to hire Les Roesner as flower care attendant at the same rate as 2024. Motion carried unanimously.
Regional Safety Group: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Westby to memorialize membership in the 2025 Bluff Country Regional Safety Group by adopting the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Houston, Minnesota:
- Authorizes Scott Wallace, Mayor and Michelle Quinn, Clerk Administrator to sign this resolution evidencing the city/entity’s intent to become a member of the RSG; and
- The City/Entity agrees to be bound by all the terms of the Establishing Agreement.
Accept 2024 Donations: Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby to adopt the following resolution accepting 2024 donations. Motion carried unanimously.
WHEREAS, from January through December 2024, the following persons and entities have offered to contribute the cash amounts set forth below to the city:
Name of Donor Date Amount Purpose
Forget-Me-Not Garden Club December $200 Hanging Baskets
Acentek February $4526 Library
Bridget Coffou March $500 Library
MiEnergy Cooperative April $1000 Library
Susan Frauenkron June $1000 Library
Cross of Christ Lutheran Church October $395.91 Library
American Legion December $500 Library
Houston Money Creek Snoriders January $1000 Ambulance
American Legion January $5000 Ambulance
American Legion April $1000 Ambulance
American Legion August $1000 Ambulance
Jen & Ken Ranzenberger August $200 Ambulance
Houston Lions Club August $200 Ambulance
Acentek October $600 Ambulance
Vanloon October $340 Ambulance
Pat Hetland Foundation December $5000 Ambulance
American Legion December $4000 Ambulance
Jason Vix December $250 Ambulance
Sherrie Rohweder December $200 Ambulance
Pat Hetland Foundation December $6000 Fire
Jason Vix December $250 Fire
Rushford State Bank June $450 Summer Rec
Kevin Nagle Trucking June $250 Summer Rec
Houston Lions Club June $300 Summer Rec
Nesler Auto June $250 Summer Rec
Houston United Campaign July $1261 Summer Rec
AA Group January $300 Nature Center
AA Group August $250 Nature Center
- The donations described above are accepted and shall be used to establish and operate facilities and programs either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law.
- The city clerk is hereby directed to issue receipts to each donor if requested acknowledging the city’s receipt of the donor’s donation.
2025 Appropriation: Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby to adopt the following resolution. Motion carried unanimously.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City of Houston Council, that the following appropriation will be made in 2025 as appropriate from the City General Fund:
Houston Chamber of Commerce (Maximum) $3,000.00
LMC (League of Minnesota Cities) $1,400.00 (Est)
MAOSC (Minnesota Association of Small Cities) $568.65
Root River Trail Towns $300.00
SEMLM (Southeastern Minnesota League of Municipalities) $50.00
SMIF (Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation) $200.00
Rails to Trail Conservancy $18
Parks and Trails Council $35
2025 Water and Sewer Rates: Motion by Todd, seconded by Westby, to increase water by 4.5% and sewer 4% for both base and volumetric rates as recommended by Mike Bubany. Motion carried unanimously.
Gambling Permit: Motion by Krage, seconded by Baumann to approve a gambling permit with no waiting period for Sheldon Valley Sportsman’s Association for an event to be hosted at the Houston Community Center on March 29, 2025. Motion carried unanimously.
Pay Equity Report: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Todd to approve the Pay Equity Report, authorize its submission, and the signature of the Mayor on the same. Motion carried unanimously.
Business Health Services and Occupational Health Service Agreements: Motion by Todd, seconded by Westby to approve Employee Assistance Program Agreement with an annual fee of $20 per employee, Occupational Health Service Agreement, and Advanced Rehabilitation, Ergonomics and Assessments between Gundersen Lutheran Administrative Services, Inc., and Houston City of and authorize the necessary signatures. Motion carried unanimously. Agreements expire December 31, 2025.
Fire Department Overhead Door Maintenance: Item #1 – The overhead door safety feature is present however not sensitive, which brings up a safety concern. It is a pressure system which will reverse the doors when triggered to prevent injury or damage. In order to correct this issue, the weather stripping and airlines require replacement on 4 doors. The quote for this work is $1,380.
Item #2 – The overhead door window inserts are cracked and/or broken resulting in heating/cooling inefficiencies and allowing moisture in. Some of the exterior panes are being pushed inward from the wind. Replacing the window inserts would rectify the current inefficiencies, moisture concerns, and prevent further damage. The quote to replace all the windows in the doors (18 in total) is $4,000.
Motion by Krage, seconded by Westby, to authorize the requested maintenance and accept the quote submitted by Overhead Door for the same in a total amount of $5,380. Motion carried unanimously.
Native Seed Collection: At this time, a single bid received for the privilege of collecting native prairie seeds from City owned property was considered. Motion by Westby, seconded by Krage to accept the bid submitted by Dan Smith for 10% of final cleaned seed, including weeding beds around the Nature Center building with the addition of plants as needed and award native prairie seed collection privileges for a 3-year period expiring the end of calendar year 2027 and to authorize renewal of the privilege for additional terms upon mutual agreement of the parties. Motion carried unanimously.
Minutes and Bills: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Krage to approve the minutes of December 19, 2024, regular meeting, and bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Items to be Placed on File: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Krage to place the following items on file. Motion carried unanimously.
Library Updates and Information, and circulation statistics
Adjourn: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Westby to adjourn the meeting at 6:58 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Council is scheduled for Monday, February 10, 2025.
By: Scott Wallace, Mayor
Attest: Michelle Quinn, Clerk/Administrator
Above proceedings are only a summary. Full text available for public inspection at City Hall as well as the following website:
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