Mayor Scott Wallace called the City Council meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. February 10, 2025, with the Pledge of Allegiance. Council present: Mayor Scott Wallace, Zeb Baumann, Emily Krage, Danny Todd, and Steve Westby. Staff present: Michelle Quinn, Curtis Chapel, Josh Hongerholt, Brett Hurley, and Randy Thesing. A list of public members present is on file.
Vocational Rehabilitation Services (DEED)/Dan Scruggs:
Dan Scruggs met with the council to share information related to vocational rehabilitation services. Mr. Scruggs noted that wages and liability are the responsibility of DEED. Motion by Todd, seconded Westby to approve the city collaborating with Vocational Rehabilitation Services/Deed. Motion carried unanimously.
Gambling Permit: Motion by Krage, seconded by Baumann to approve a gambling permit with no waiting period for Bluff Country Hidden Heroes for an event to be hosted at the Houston American Legion on April 5, 2025, and also a gambling permit with no waiting period for Houston Area Chamber of Commerce, Inc. for an event to be hosted at the Houston Fest Grounds on July 26, 2025. Motion carried unanimously.
Fire and Assistant Chief Annual Stipend: Discussion was held regarding increasing responsibility and changing demands of the position of Fire Chief. Motion Todd, seconded by Westby to approve an increase in the annual stipend for Fire Chief from $500 to $1,200 and for Assistant Fire Chief from $250 to $600 contingent upon the support of and mirror action by the Rural Fire Board for the same. Motion carried unanimously.
Ambulance Director Stipend: Discussion was held that the increasing responsibility and changing demands impact the Ambulance staff also. Motion by Baumann, seconded by Krage to approve an equally proportionate increase in the annual stipend for the position of Ambulance Director. Motion carried unanimously.
Youth Conservation Corp Lead Position Description: Motion by Westby, seconded by Baumann to approve the position description for Youth Conservation Corp Lead and to authorize advertising. Motion carried unanimously.
Officer Resignation: Last year Joshua DeBoer accepted employment elsewhere and the council took action to change his Police Officer status to casual on call to allow for him to return to assist with Police Department needs during Houston Hoedown Days. It is appropriate to formally accept his resignation at this time. Motion by Baumann, seconded by Westby to accept the resignation of Joshua DeBoer and thank him for his dedicated service to the Houston Community. Motion carried unanimously.
Chief of Police Position Description:
Motion by Krage, seconded by Baumann to adopt the revised position descriptions for both the position of Chief of Police and also Police Officer. Motion carried unanimously.
County Hazard Mitigation Plan: Houston County has been working to update the countywide Hazard Mitigation Plan through local government and public input. Motion by Todd, seconded by Westby to adopt the following. Motion carried unanimously.
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the city council of Houston adopts the Houston County 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan. While content related to the City of Houston may require revisions to meet the plan approval requirements, changes occurring after adoption will not require the City of Houston to re-adopt any further iterations of the plan. Subsequent plan updates following the approval period for this plan will require separate adoption resolutions.
Community Center Refrigerator: Motion by Todd, seconded by Krage, to accept the quote of Cox Hardware and Appliance for a white 18 cubic foot Crosley refrigerator in the amount of $899 to be delivered by Saturday, February 15th and the old unit removed. Motion carried unanimously.
HNC Assistant: Following discussion, motion by Westby, seconded by Krage to advertise the position of Nature Center Assistant. Motion carried unanimously. This position will be advertised as every other weekend for up to 18 hours.
Minutes and Bills: Motion by Krage, seconded by Baumann to approve the minutes of January 13, 2025, regular meeting, and bills as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
Items to be Placed on File: Motion by Baumann, seconded by Westby to place the following items on file. Motion carried unanimously.
Annual Police Report
Library Report and statistics
Correspondence from MMB/Pay Equity Compliance
Public Safety Mental Health Action Guide
Motion by Westby, seconded by Todd to adjourn the meeting at 6:43 p.m. Motion carried unanimously. The next regular meeting of the Council is scheduled for Monday, March 10, 2025.
By: Scott Wallace, Mayor
Attest: Michelle Quinn, Clerk/Administrator
Above proceedings are only a summary. Full text available for public inspection at City Hall as well as the following website:
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