The Houston Chamber of Commerce held its annual meeting January 21 at the American Legion in Houston. Director Margaret Knutson presented a snapshot of its 2023 activities.
A successful membership drive ended with over 40 members for the Chamber in 2023. The Chamber received a $5,000 Explore Minnesota grant; so far some of the grant has been spent on an ad in the Visit Bluff Country visitor’s guide. Plans for the rest of the grant include advertising in the Fillmore County Journal, promoting the 50th anniversary of Hoedown and possible radio ads.
Welcome baskets to be given to new city residents were brought back this year; Knutson displayed one of the baskets to the meeting. The large baskets include many items from the Chamber members and have been well appreciated by newcomers.
BAM (Bicycling Across Minnesota) stayed in Houston for a night and the Chamber served breakfast burritos to over 300 people. The Chamber netted close to $4,000 on the event. This year, the Chamber made a Holidazzle gift basket to raffle. With a price of $2, the Chamber sold 512 tickets. All items were paid for with a Thrivent action card at no expense to the Chamber. In the future, the Chamber plans to do more such fundraisers. The Chamber also sold walking tacos at the new Holidazzle Vendor Market sponsored by Timeless Creations. This netted between $300 and $400 for the Chamber.
Activities sponsored in Houston this year by the Chamber included the annual block party, deemed a great success until a rainout. The Chamber also sponsored the annual business trick or treat and pumpkin carving contest. Next year the pumpkin carving contest will be moved away from the bank to allow businesses from the outlying parts of the city to set up in the open lot.
Chamber volunteers oversaw the park and school activities during Houston Holidazzle and Light Up Houston.
During the annual meeting, the Chamber chose new officers. Rod Torgerson was elected president, John Evenson was chosen as vice president, Patrick Forsyth was elected treasurer, and Director Margaret Knutson will serve as secretary. Vicki Olson and Ron Evenson will continue as board members.
Revenue for the past year was up three times what it was the prior year, for an increase of $9,787.23. This was due to fundraising and an increase in membership. The Chamber received a donation of $5,000 from the Hoedown Committee.
At this time, only 17 members have renewed their membership for 2024. Knutson will send a reminder letter to last year’s members thanking them for their support and reminding them of the work the Chamber does. Knutson noted that she had also reached out to some Rushford businesses that do business in Houston. Some Caledonia businesses have shown an interest in the Houston Chamber as well.
Marlene Schultz informed the group that the Chamber needs a representative to attend the Root River Trail Towns monthly meetings. The group, which focuses on the bike trail, meets in different towns in the group on the third Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. Schultz has been representing Houston since the inception of the group; while she feels strongly that it’s important for Houston to have representation, she’d like a replacement.
Margaret Knutson pointed out that the Root River Trail Towns has a website that Houston can and does use to post upcoming events and information at no expense.
Fundraising ideas were discussed. The Chamber intends to do more gift basket raffles this year. Another fundraising effort is being worked on for May. The idea of building a “she shed” in conjunction with the school industrial arts class will be delayed until fall.
Another activity suggested was a Shop Hop to be held on Small Business Saturday or during the entire month of December. Customers would get punches on a card; the more punches they got, the more entries they would have in a drawing for prizes.
Ron Evenson suggested that the Chamber do something special for the 50th anniversary of Hoedown. People are urged to send ideas to Knutson at the Chamber.
The idea of having quarterly meetings of the Chamber with different topics such as point of sale or security cameras was suggested. Plans are to have an August meeting after Hoedown with a hotdog roast in the park. Another idea was to once again have tours of local businesses for the Chamber.
The Houston Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a meeting of the Houston County Chambers of Commerce’s directors. The meeting will be held in the Rushford State Bank board room. Knutson was enthused about the meeting, hoping the directors could share ideas.
Outgoing Chamber president Ron Evenson thanked Margaret for doing a great job this past year in revitalizing the Chamber.
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