Since its inception in 1991, an All-School Reunion for Houston High School has been held every five years. Following a one-year COVID delay we are back! The festivities are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Saturday, July 30 at the elementary gym, which will include school tours and Wall of Fame Ceremony. That first reunion in 1991 also marked the formation of the Houston Public School Archives and a hefty sampling of its extensive collection will be on display at various times throughout the Hoedown weekend at the old Nels and Emma Forsyth house on the NE corner of Maple and Sheridan Streets. This is an excellent opportunity to view the school archives as well as the interior of the house, which is currently under restoration by the Houston Area Preservation Initiative (HAPI).
The Forsyth House will be open immediately following the All-School Reunion program, and from 1-4 p.m. most Sunday afternoons throughout the fall. Please contact Shelley Jerviss at or (507) 459-2143 to confirm availability of the display before your Sunday visits, or to schedule a visit at another time.
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