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According to the Minnesota Department of Health, “Roughly 40% of Minnesota residents will receive a cancer diagnosis at some point in their lifetime.”
Fillmore County has hosted Relay for Life separately from Houston County since 1997 and has raised over $2,400,000 for cancer research and local support. Host communities must commit to hosting the event two years in a row. Spring Valley is hosting the 2024 and 2025 Relay for Life of Fillmore County. Fountain hosted the event for the past two years and has been instrumental in assisting Spring Valley plan this year’s event.
Relay for Life of Fillmore County will be held on Friday, July 12 at the Community Center, VFW Hall, and Spring Creek Park in Spring Valley from 3-11 p.m.
With less than a month until the event, twelve teams consisting of 39 members have already raised $33,290.24. There is still time to organize a team and help Fillmore County reach its goal of $100,000.
The participating teams are Ramblin’ Rosebuds, Major Heroes, C.H.R.I.S., Chatfield Chatty Walkers, The Shooting Stars, United with Hope, Mission: Possible, Kiwanis Team, Up All Night, #teamscotty, BFF Breast Friends Forever, and Alley-gators. Teams will be selling items from their team camps set up during the event. Support your favorite team or team member at https://secure.acsevents.org/site/SPageServer/?pagename=relay_donate_now&FR_ID=108232&fr_id=108232.
The 2024 Relay for Life guest speaker LuAnn Klevan said, “I am honored to be a speaker of the upcoming Relay for Life. Relay for Life is about the community stepping up to support those who are going through difficult times. That describes my cancer journey. It is through the support of my community that I moved from darkness into light.”
This year’s theme is “Hope Lives Here.”
The volunteer committee includes Brenda Stier, Rita Bezdicek and Doc Shipton.
Cancer survivor Jay D. Masters and this year’s Survivors Tea guest speaker explained, “Everyone has been touched by cancer in some way. Each person’s experience is unique and deeply personal. Cancer research depends on funding, and every Relay for Life event supports the mission to find not just one cure, but many cures.”
Relay for Life event planners will be selling bubbles ($1 a bottle), luminaries (one for $10 or three for $25), and beads ($5 each, a limit of four strands). The more beads purchased means the more chances you have to win the Heads or Tails game.
The first event of the day is the Survivor’s Tea from 3–4 p.m. at the Spring Valley VFW Hall. Cancer survivors, their families, and caregivers are invited to attend the tea.
The evening meal is from 5-7 p.m. at the Spring Valley Community Center. The cost of the meal is $10 for adults, $5 for 5- to 7-year-olds, and kids four and under are free. The dinner includes a pulled pork sandwich or a BBQ beef sandwich, beans, coleslaw, and chips. Additional sandwiches can be purchased for $1 each.
The opening ceremony is at 6 p.m. at the Spring Valley Community Center.
The silent auction is from 5-9:15 p.m. at the Spring Valley Community Center. Attendees are encouraged to bid on silent auction items donated by area businesses.
From 6:30-8:30 p.m. attendees can enjoy the town’s Music in the Park featuring the Rutabaga Brothers band at the Spring Creek Gazebo.
The Luminaria Lighting begins at 8 p.m. at Spring Creek Park. The walking trail will be lit with luminarias to light the way for the walkers in memory of those lost to cancer.
Heads or Tails, a fun-raising activity begins at 9:45 p.m. If you don’t know how to play, you will quickly learn. The winner will take home a beautiful chair from Drury’s Furniture in Fountain.
Bingo is from 10-11 p.m., at the Community Center. Stier explained the changes this year, “No need to get that anxious feeling as you are sitting with one number left to get a bingo and someone else’s number is called. This year we won’t have everyone clear their cards and start a new game; we will continue calling the game. There will be many bingo prizes to choose from. Fun for the whole family and lots of winners.”
The closing ceremony is at 11 p.m.
Thank you to the over 50 sponsors for making this event a reality.
Visit us at: https://relayforlife.org/fillmoremn and Facebook page Relay for Life – Spring Valley, MN. Contact Rick Jeddeloh at the American Cancer Society for more information at rick.jeddeloh@cancer.org.
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