The Hokah City Council met June 6 at the Hokah Fire Station. Mayor Lee Tippery called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. Present were Mayor Lee Tippery, City Clerk Lindsey Martell, and council members Tom Bernsdorf and Corey Lorenz. Absent were Cindy Oldenburg and Bob Oldenburg.
Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Mayor Tippery announced the resignations of Cindy and Bob Oldenburg. Their resignation is effective immediately. In a letter to Mayor Tippery, Cindy and Bob expressed their regret in resigning. They have sold their home and are moving to northern Minnesota. The council accepted their letter, expressed their thanks and appreciation for their service, and extended best wishes to them.
Mayor Tippery then asked Jerry Martell and Mike Walsh if they would volunteer to fill the vacant council seats. Both have previous experience as members of the city council and after discussion, the council accepted them as new members. Mayor Tippery then swore in both men.
The council then approved the consent agenda consisting of the May 2023 meeting minutes, bills payable, and the consolidate balance sheet dated May 31, 2023.
Fire department
Mike Walsh reported that the fire department conducted a trial run of pumping water from the creek as a potential emergency backup should the city water system go down. It was noted that the emergency pump filled the water tanker with 3,000 gallons in only 7-1/2 minutes.
Police department
Police Chief Bob Schuldt reported 60 service calls since the previous council meeting. He also noted completion of spring training activities. Additionally, the police department will be working on the city’s Emergency Management Plan, which is a requirement in order for Hokah to be eligible for FEMA coverage.
Water/wastewater/city engineer
City Engineer Eli Craig reported that the city water system upgrades are pending receipt of contractor drawings and submittals. He also discussed the need for replacing the roof on the well house. The original plan was to install a shingle roof; however he recommended installing a steel roof instead. The cost addition would be approximately $7,000 that the council approved. At the wastewater plant a seal in a pump failed. The council approved getting the pump repaired, the cost of which may be covered under the pump manufacturer’s warranty.
City Engineer Eli Craig reported on bids received for concrete work for the approach to the city center and for drainage gutter and apron at the library. The council voted to approve seal coating for the city center parking lot and the wastewater treatment plant road. On another matter related to repair and maintenance work along Highway 44/Main Street, the Minnesota DOT will need to be consulted before work proceeds. The city council believes this is a MnDOT issue, but MnDOT believes it is a city of Hokah issue.
Planning Commission/Zoning
The council voted to approve a building permit for Lavern Witt who is moving a garage to a new foundation at his property. Various other zoning issues were raised, notably regarding driveway construction and city ordinances relative to what is acceptable as a residential driveway and a commercial driveway. The council will be reviewing the current ordinances and making updates as needed.
There was also communication received from the Minnesota DNR relative to unauthorized filling and dumping dirt in the floodway. The council will be discussing the matter with the DNR.
The city pool has been filled. Mayor Tippery discussed purchase of a beach roller kit that will be used to clear and keep weeds out of the pool. The kit cost approximately $600 and will be available for use shortly.
New business
After lengthy discussion the council recommended and approved installation of a single mini-split air conditioning unit at the city-owned Butcher Shoppe building. The mini-split unit will complement the existing air conditioning unit which is unable to meet the cooling load due to increased heat created by the shop’s smokers and ovens, especially on warm days. If a second unit is needed, the city will ask the Butcher Shoppe owner to contribute to the cost of another unit.
Water rate increase
City Clerk Martell presented a spreadsheet indicating increased water use rates. The increases impact only the water supply rates and not sewer rates. The increases, effective July 1, 2023, reflect the need for the city to cover the cost of the new city water supply system.
For more information about the water system improvement project, go to:
Ben Loging has resigned as maintenance and equipment operator in the Hokah Public Works Department. A replacement will be advertised for in the Fillmore County Journal and on
Law enforcement staffing
The council discussed law enforcement staffing in advance of Police Chief Bob Schuldt’s planned retirement in early 2025. Chief Schuldt gave the council a heads up regarding his retirement as there are currently nearly 200 law enforcement agencies across Minnesota that are short-staffed. It is difficult to find new officers, so the council wants to get a head start on finding a replacement. In addition, the council is exploring teaming up with other law enforcement agencies in the region. The council approved sending letters of interest to the Houston and Caledonia police departments.
Citizen comments/requests
Abigail Jumbeck addressed the council relative to concerns about traffic near her home. She asked the council to consider installing a four-way stop sign at Birch and Fourth Streets. She is concerned for the safety of her and other children who ride bicycles in the area and because automobile traffic is speeding through those streets. The council will look into the request.
Clint Lorenz asked if the city of Hokah would be willing to sell to him a parcel of land adjacent to his property. Clint notes that the land is a steep hill unsuitable as a street, and that is somewhat overgrown with trees and brush. If the city would cede the land to Clint, he will clean up the area. He has already surveyed the land at his own expense and also notes that there are no water, sewer or electrical services, etc., in the land. The council would need to vacate the land. The issue is being investigated.
New council/committee assignments
•Jerry Martell will be off the Zoning Committee, and is added to the Personnel Committee.
•Cory Lorenz will serve as office representative.
•Mike Walsh will serve as mayor pro tem.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. The next meeting of the Hokah City Council will be Wednesday, July 5 at 6 p.m., due to the 4th of July holiday.
Note: Juneteenth, which marks the end of slavery in the United States and commemorates African-American freedom, will be observed on Monday, June 19. The city of Hokah will conduct no business on that day.
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