By Dianne Ruud
Last week our friend Flip Huggenvik shared one electrifying story about how Aaron Dayton’s hired man was needing emergency medical attention, and that the Mayo brothers in Rochester, Minn., were contacted by the patient’s wife, Mrs. E. M. Rolfe. The Mayos had only recently begun their practice, and the year was 1896!
She asked that they please come to Preston, Minn., to examine her stricken husband.
Today, thanks to Flip, we’ll be able to enjoy seeing the three images of the documents that detail how the interesting story he shared with all of us in last week’s column unfolded.
1. A copy of the letter Aaron wrote to the Doctors Mayo on the letterhead of Fillmore County Judge E. V. Harrington;
2. A copy of the answer from the Doctors Mayo on their unique letterhead;
3. A copy of the envelope addressed to Aaron Dayton from the Doctors Mayo!
With that said, I found it necessary to retype each document as the images are too faint to see from the scanned images. Each one is special and such a historical treasure!
The letter to “Doctors Mayo & Company,” from Aaron Dayton:
Second, the reply letter from the now, world famous physician, Dr. William J. Mayo, hand signed by him, and addressed to Mr. A.H.H. Dayton at Preston, Minn. on the Mayo letterhead:
Third: The information on the old envelope is full of historical data!
Upper left of envelope:
DRS. W.W., W.J., & C.H. MAYO
Envelope is addressed in handwriting, not typed to: Mr. A.H.H. Dayton at Preston, Minn.
The postmark is partially illegible, but the letter is clearly dated Jan. 17, 1896.
Lastly, handwritten, sideways, in beautiful calligraphy are the following lines++:
Answered Jan.28, 1896
Relating to
Rochester Doctor’s
The two letters and the envelope are simply amazing. To hear the thoughts expressed by Dr. William J. Mayo, 124 years ago as the Mayo Clinic was just in its infancy is just plain wonderful!
Thank you Flip Huggenvik for allowing these outstanding Fillmore County, Minn., historical treasures to be shared and enjoyed by so many!
Here is wishing all of my readers a Blessed Christmas and A Very Happy and Healthy New Year!

Images submitted by Flip Huggenvik
Judy Kenyon says
In this column it sounded like you were going to retype the body text of the two letters but I cannot see that you did that. Just checking. Our sister-in-law and husband go up to Mayo regularly and thought they would be interested in reading them. I sent them your first column regarding the letters. Thanks.