As promised, from last week’s column regarding your having a chance to see at least one of the treasures from Aaron L. Sleyster’s Studio located in Preston, Minn., well over 125 years ago – it actually awaits you just a few miles away, up the road from Preston on Highway 52!
Please take a trip soon to the Fillmore County Historical Center in beautiful Fountain, Minnesota and you will be able to lay your eyes upon this gorgeous, huge painting of, “The Dam Over The Root River in Preston, Minnesota.” Done by Sleyster in 1896, it measures close to six feet by four feet! And I guess there are probably no other words to say about it than, it is a very awesome painting and needs to be seen “in person,” to get the best description of it.
Sara Sturgis, Director of the Fillmore County History Center, told me that the painting has resided there for at least 35 years. She said before it arrived in Fountain it actually hung on the wall in the Preston, Minn., post office.
Guaranteed, it will be well worth your trip to Fountain to see it!
Please enjoy yet another historic poem about the awesome Root River, the dam shown in this amazing painting, and the old bridge that crossed over the river:
“The Grand Old Bridge”
By Aaron L. Sleyster, 1895
“Again I stand upon the
Iron Bridge,
And gaze upon this lovely,
charming scene;
For me earth holds no dearer, sweeter spot
Than this arched bridge across
this grand old stream.
Sweet river Root, some months
have passed away,
Since last mine eyes beheld
thy peaceful shores;
Today, while fondly glancing
on thy tide;
Me thinks you never looked
so well before.
These hills are so familiar
to my gaze,
I’ve seen them all before,
from year to year;
But still this calm retreat is
ever new,
And ev’ry visit makes it seem
more dear.
The water, rushing swiftly
o’er the dam
Into the foaming whirlpool
down below;
How soothing is this gentle
rushing sound,
What music is at once so
sweet and low?
Last winter, when Boreas
reigned supreme,
Within my humble cottage
snug and warm,
In fancy I could hear this
murm’ring stream
Which quelled the raging
terror of the storm.
Farewell to thee! and when
I come again,
I hope to see upon the willow
The fragrant catkins swaying
on the breeze,
And green the hills, so sere
and naked now.”
We are so lucky to have the Fillmore County Historical Center – Museum & Library in our midst.
It was recently reported by “Consumer Watch,” that due to the impact of the ongoing pandemic, the American Alliance of Museums is forecasting that by the end of the year, one-third of the museums in this country are endangered of closing. Thus it is imperative that we all do our part in support our local museums and history centers.
Here is wishing all of you a very happy Labor Day weekend.
Next week will find us exploring several interesting scenes around town, so please, stay tuned.
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