When Henrytown Lutheran Church of rural Canton went up in flames on April 16, 2015, so too did the church’s collection of confirmation photos.
In the two years since the fire, several volunteer hours have gone into searching for original prints to replicate those that were lost. Many photographs have been located and copied for display in the new church fellowship hall. However, the congregation still has some holes to fill in its confirmation class picture display.
Henrytown Lutheran Church hopes the public can assist in completing this historic documentation project. The list below includes the missing class photos, along with the confirmands from each class.
1919: Gladys Evenson and Edna Erickson; 1922: Henry Pederson, Willard Johnson, Walter Wilberg, Signe Johnson and Hazel Sauer; 1923: Esther Lund, Alice Harland, Claudine Steen, Blanche Huseby, Helen Helgeson, Olga Dahl, Esther Thompson, Gerhard Evenson and Ole Finstad; 1924: Talbert Matson, Orvis Larsrud, Henry Eggebratten, Ervin Eggebratten, Earl Evenson, George Sauer and Elinor Onstine; 1925: Clara Finstad, Alice Erickson, Carl Peterson, Frances Steen, Lenard Gillund, Ogden Kyscth, Marvin Larson, Victor Matson and Arthur Dahl; 1926: Maynard Stoin, Hanford Harland, Philip Blilie, Joseph Scholl, Leslie Lund, Norman Coyle, Howard Helgeson, Norman Gillund, Adeline Thompson, James Overland, Ole Overland, Albert Vang, Stanley Sorenson, Francis Lawston, Olga Kyscth, Florence Erickson, Carmen Kyscth and Ruth Soland; 1951: Allen Austin, Paul Thompson, Charles Thoen, Marland Myrhre and Howard Coyle; 1957: Peorl Torgerson, Carol Schultz, Malloy Bangs, Gregory Erickson and Robert Peterson; 1958: Gerald Haagonson. Norman Schultz, Sharon Sorum and Richard Thompson; 1966: Nelvin Garness, Patty Pruka, Dennis Danielson and Larry Wangen; 1976: Michel Danielson, Debbie Torkelson, Dawn Underbakke, Ricky Wangen, James Torgerson, Michael Helegson, Jay Zafft and Ricky Torkelson; 1985: Jeff Danielson, Milessa Soland, Teresa Danielson, Nicole Garness and Jill Eiken; 1986: Tricia Brenno and Chad Danielson; 1991: Brian Nelson; 1992: Jeremy Bergey, Jaime Erickson, Aaron Shanks, Trevor Torgerson and Lana Vongroven; 1994: Alissa Nelson, Valerie Garness and Shawn Bergey; 1997: Josh Vaalemoen, Brandon Bergey, Erin Underbakke, Nicholas Stortz and Tara Shanks; 1998: Heather Grooters, Eric Laitinen and Sam Nelson; 2001: Heather Laitinen, Heidi Laitinen, Britany Majerus, Evan Recio and Amanda Stortz; 2002: Dennis Eiken, Jack Eiken and Kyle Schultz; 2008: Tyler Torgerson, Heather Tangen and Jeremy Smith; 2009: Logan Henry, Sydney Johnson, Trent Nelson, Courtney Smith and Tyler Stortz; 2010: Kourtney Coyle, Mason Henry, Hunter Johnson and Jordan Magnuson.
Photos may be emailed to henrytownlutheranchurch@gmail.com. Please include the confirmation year, along with information about who’s who in the photograph.
The goal is to have the new confirmation class picture display completed for the building dedication on June 11, 2017.
The people of Henrytown Lutheran Church thank you for your help in this endeavor.
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