Heather Edgington
Candidate for Spring Grove City Council
1. Tell us about yourself.
I grew up in Spring Grove and returned 15 years ago to raise my family. I have enjoyed serving on the Parks & Commission, YOOH Board and Scholar Dollars Board. I work in Marketing and Admissions for a nonprofit corporation that provides housing and care for seniors. We have 10 properties in La Crosse County. My days are a mix of assisting families as they navigate senior housing options, marketing our properties, managing our online presence and maintaining census for our communities. Favorite memory growing up in Spring Groveā¦ Strawberry Spring Grove Pop and summer days at the swimming pool.
2. Why are you running for office?
I love the pride residents of Spring Grove have in our community, school and heritage. The groundwork for creating an impressive and diverse town has been happening for over a century! In recent years the EDA, City of Spring Grove and Spring Grove 2030 have put in a lot of legwork to retain current residents and businesses but to also attract new growth. We need to make smart, financially sound decisions as we continue to move forward.
3. What do you hope to accomplish if you get elected?
One area of interest is the housing study that was recently completed. We have many residents who have a fixed income and would be best served by affordable housing. I believe there is a need for development of new and current housing and rental options that offer safe neighborhoods that are welcoming to all ages. I feel confident that my work with housing can offer further insight as decisions are made.
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