Ralph Beastrom from the Harmony Area Historical Society updated the Harmony City Council on the historic grain elevator project at the August 13 council meeting. The project is still in the early stages, but moving along well. The Historical Society is currently looking into the possibility of adding the elevator to the National Register of Historic Places. Work has also begun with preservationists. Owners of the property, Jeff and Barb Soma have offered to donate it to the city on the condition that if the city decides to sell it, they be given first chance at it. A resolution was passed accepting the donation with the condition as written. A development agreement between the Historical Society and the city was approved as well as a quit claim deed and declaration of driveway easement to allow work to progress. “I’d just like to thank the council for their support all this time,” Beastrom said. Mayor Steve Donney expressed gratitude to the Somas for their generosity to the city.
Pam Seebach, pastor of the Harmony United Methodist Church, addressed the council regarding concerns about the condition of the alley behind the church and parking lot, which are owned by the city. Both are in bad condition with uneven, deteriorating asphalt. The parking lot has been patched with gravel which runs onto the sidewalk whenever it rains. “We’re concerned for the safety of our members and other people who use that parking lot and alley,” Seebach said. She noted that owners, employees, and patrons of nearby businesses also use the parking lot with some people leaving their vehicles, trailers, etc. there overnight or for extended time periods. Mayor Steve Donney assured her that the Utility Committee would look into the condition of the alley and parking lot to see if it could be added onto the road project in 2020. He also suggested the possibility of changing the parking ordinance so that only passenger vehicles could park in the lot. The council should have an update for the Methodist church within a couple of months.
The council reviewed an ordinance regarding winter parking. Approving the ordinance would change from odd/even parking during the winter months to snow emergency parking, which means that if there is a snow emergency, vehicles would not be allowed to park on the street, impeding snow removal. The council approved the ordinance and began a discussion on notification options. City Administrator Jerome Illg suggested using GovOffice to send out text and voice messages to residents, but there is a cost for that service. The council decided to use free methods such as tv channels and phone notifications this winter to try it out. Notices will be sent out with the utility bills informing Harmony residents of the changes.
During a recent water leak repair, it was discovered that approximately four properties on 4th Ave SE have water access from a shared 3/4” copper pipe. The homes have either been empty or have only a couple of residents living in them which is why the small pipe hasn’t been noticed before. “I think we’re only one or two residents from having water issues,” Illg said. As the street is in fairly decent condition, he’s hopeful that the problem can be fixed without tearing up the whole road. He will let the council know when he has more information.
An agreement with Minnesota Energy Resources allowing them to install an Itron Connected Grid Router to a power pole was approved. The city will receive $250 annually in return.
Harmony resident Sandy Strozyk presented the council with information on a proposed splash pad in Harmony. The splash pad would be installed in one of the city parks, but would not be funded by the city. It could either use city water or recycled water with a pump system and the cost would range from $30,000 to $60,000. A lot of community support has already been garnered, and Strozyk felt that it would be a good project for Give to the Max Day. The council gave her permission to form a committee for the project who will work with the Park Board.
Strocyk also brought up some concerns she had about the speed limit on Highway 52 North and presented information for flashing and electronic speed limit signs to the council. She noted that the speed changes from 55 miles per hour to 30 just after the Harmony Kids Learning Center which means that people are often still driving over 30 miles per hour when they pass the daycare, Harmony Enterprises, and Harmony Gardens & Floral, which are all busy with employees, parents, and customers coming and going. She noted that there have been several accidents in that area, one of which occurred recently. She asked the council to look into the possibility of a speed study to move the 30 mph speed limit sign further out from the town, or installing a flashing speed limit sign. Council member Tony Webber pointed out that a speed study done by the state may not be the best option as it could actually backfire and they could end up with a higher speed limit all the way through town. Steve Cremer said that when the daycare was built, he did ask the state to lower the speed limit there for the safety of the students and parents, but was denied. The council reviewed the different options for flashing and electronic speed limit signs and selected Elan City as a vendor to submit to the state for approval. Two flashing signs from them would come to a total of $7,200. The speed study was tabled until the next council meeting.
A variance request from Andrew and Lisa Kingsley was reviewed by the council. The Kingsleys would like to build a new greenhouse at Harmony Gardens & Floral that would be closer to the rear and side yard setback than is allowed on an industrial zoned lot. The variance was approved.
The visitor’s center is in dire need of tuck-pointing and will need a new roof in the next few years as well. It is estimated that the cost for the tuck-pointing will come to a total of around $9,000. Webber asked why the city is putting so much money into the visitor’s center when it already owns the community center which has rooms available to use. The visitor’s center costs approximately $26,000 a year to operate. “I’m just trying to save the taxpayers some money,” Webber said. He asked if it would be an option to sell the Visitor’s Center building and move them to the Community Center instead. Mayor Donney noted that the Chamber of Commerce and Historical Society use the Visitor’s Center as well and the location is optimal. “I’m not in favor of selling that building,” he said. “I think that it’s an essential part of Harmony,” Illg suggested starting a conversation with the Chamber to see if they would be willing to work with the city on the tuck-pointing project and then having discussions about long-term plans for the building. A motion was passed to do the tuck-pointing.
The EDA has formed a committee to plan Harmony’s 125th anniversary celebration. They asked the city to provide $3,000 for half the production cost of t-shirts to help raise funds for the celebration events and another $400 for a commercial. The council approved the request.
The Arts Board is looking into purchasing a sound system which could be used for plays and for council meetings. They will let the council know when they have more information.
A lawful gambling request was approved for the Harmony Golf Club.
A lease with Semcac Headstart for a room at the Community Center was approved and signed.
The next Harmony city council meeting will be held on September 10 at 7 p.m.
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