The February 11 Harmony City Council meeting opened with the consent agenda. It was approved and included the minutes of the January 14 meeting, the claims and January checks, the cash in CD, cash balances, and the MPCA compliance evaluation inspection report.
The council reviewed an agreement with the property owner of 160 2nd Ave SE. The home needs to be repaired or demolished, which the homeowner has not been able to do yet. The agreement gives him until July 30, 2025, to complete the necessary actions or the city will step in to take care of it and place a lien on the property. City Attorney Greg Schieber had previously reviewed the agreement and felt that it was reasonable and would cover the city well. The council approved the agreement.
It was found that the final levy set in 2024 named an incorrect amount for the general obligation improvement bonds. The total amount of the levy was correct, but the funds need to be allocated to the proper fund. The board accepted resolution 25-03 correcting the mistake.
The EDA recommended the continuation of the Downtown Revitalization Program as well as the New Home Rebate Program in Harmony as both bring value to the city. There are no changes to either program. The council approved the continuation of them both.
An update was given on the UV disinfection project for the wastewater treatment plant. On January 17, an approval letter was received from MN DOLI, and a new permit will be issued by the NPDES in the beginning of March. A letter from the MPCA should arrive within a month. The council approved resolution 25-04 authorizing the project to be bid out with an advertisement being placed in the local paper.
The liquor license renewal application from Kwik Trip hasn’t arrived yet, but last year, the forms were received in February. The council approved the Kwik Trip liquor license renewal with the condition that all required forms are submitted to the city of Harmony.
Erica Thilges gave an update on the Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber’s annual meeting was held last month. The guidebooks are about to go to print. A grand opening is being planned for Stardust Retro Revival on March 1.
Council member Jesse Grabau gave the Park Board report. The bleachers for the basketball court have arrived and the board is currently planning how and where to install them. The playground equipment at the Trailhead is getting pretty old so the board has been talking about potentially obtaining a grant to replace it. The tree program for 2025 was approved, and the board will be advertising for summer help.
The library board accepted a resignation from children’s librarian Elena Patterson. Thanks were extended to her for her service and for working with the children’s programming. The position is being advertised.
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