BAt the February 13 Harmony City Council meeting, the council reviewed and approved the consent agenda. It included the minutes of the January meeting, the claims and January checks, and the cash in CD. It also included the Fillmore County subsidy agreement for the ambulance service and Resolution 24-03 declaring support for telecommuting opportunities in Harmony and obtaining Telecommuter Forward certification for the City of Harmony.
Brett Grabau from Stantec asked the council to approve the plans and specifications for the 2024 street and utility project as well as approval to begin advertising for bids. The bids need to be posted for 21 days. The requests were approved and a special meeting to read and award bids was set for March 25th at 7:30 a.m.
The council reviewed the proposed 2024 utility rates. The sewer rates were adjusted in anticipation of the upcoming street and utility project as the fund is currently negative. The storm water rates were increased to offset the cost of a leaf vac in case one is purchased. The water base rate was also increased due to the new meters that will be installed. Resolution 24-02 was accepted approving the 2024 rates.
A homeowner on 1st Street NW contacted the city about water pooling and poor drainage on her driveway. Grabau and Utility Superintendent Brian Michel determined that repairs would be the homeowner’s responsibility. The homeowner asked the city to help with coordinating a contractor for the repairs. The council approved the request.
The personnel committee met with Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer and Harmony Ambulance Director Samantha Grabau for her yearly review. They are happy with her work and how things are going in the city offices. They recommended moving her up to a different step for wages. It was also recommended that an employment agreement be completed. A motion to approve the step change was approved with one council member voting against and council member Jesse Grabau abstaining.
Kwik Trip is in the process of renewing its liquor license with the city, but not all the paperwork has been submitted yet. The council approved the renewal pending receipt of the documents.
The building and maintenance report noted that the department is looking for a used leaf vac to purchase. The heating and cooling units in the city offices are failing as they’re nearly 20 years old. Terry Bigalk is looking into mini splits as a replacement.
The EDA is continuing to work on the bike trail extension. A verbal agreement has been made with both of the landowners of the small parcels that need to be purchased for the bike trail.
The Park Board has been discussing the splash pad hours along with protocols for drought conditions. A snow fence will need to be put up around the splash pad next winter as a snowmobile recently drove over it. The tree program will be continued this year. The council approved a motion allowing the Park Board to advertise for one summer help position.
Michael Himlie distributed the 2023 annual circulation report from the library to the council members.
Student representative Eva Hemenway gave a positive review to the Arts Board of the recent Fillmore Central choir performance at the Timberwolves game on February 4. The Arts Board was one of the sponsors for the trip along with other local businesses and organizations.
The Chamber reported that the visitor guide is in progress and will be published on time. The Fourth of July committee will be beginning their monthly meetings on the last Wednesday of each month.
Karen Appenhorst was recently hired at the city offices. “She’s been a great asset to our team so far,” Samantha Grabau reported.
The next regular Harmony city council meeting will be held
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