Ralph Beastrom, Mary Lou Zombory, and Cliff Johannessen from the Harmony Area Historical Society were present at the October 9 Harmony City Council meeting to update the council on their progress on various projects. They began by speaking about the walking tour signs. “We’re pretty happy with the way it turned out,” Beastrom said. He thanked the city for their help on the project, especially City Administrator Jerome Illg. He also noted that without the city’s help pouring the concrete pads for the signs, the society would not have been able to meet its deadline. Beastrom informed the council that he had recently received a call from someone in Hastings who had attended Harmony’s Fourth of July celebration and was impressed with the walking tour signs. They plan to create similar signs for Hastings now.
The Historical Society recently received a grant that allowed them to take part in the MNopedia website project. Society member Amy Hahn wrote 14 articles about various aspects of Harmony history and submitted them to the website in June. Twelve have been published so far. Once the last two have been published, the society plans to publicize the project. “Amy did an excellent job with the articles,” Beastrom noted.
The elevator restoration project is coming along slowly but surely. The elevator committee has been meeting regularly and continuing to gather information on how to get the elevator registered with the National Registry of Historical Places and apply for grants to help with the funding. Due to the large scope of the project, the society will need to apply for larger grants than normal. “There are significant requirements as to who does that work and how it gets submitted,” Beastrom said. The elevator committee has planned the restoration project in five phases that are expected to occur over an undetermined number of years. Recent drone footage of the elevator roof did not show any critical areas of concern, which is a positive sign. Beastrom asked if the council was willing to commit the city to assist with the project. “There’s too many unknowns right now to make any decisions,” council member Kyle Morem said. Beastrom hoped that the historical society would be able to come back to the council with more definitive answers about the project soon. “We do realize it’s a humongous project,” Historical Society secretary Mary Lou Zombory said. She pointed out that there are few historical grain elevators left and so it’s important to restore the Harmony elevator. “It’s so important because this is how it (Harmony) started and then right across the street you have the juxtaposition of the new grain elevator,” she remarked.
“I’m optimistic funds can be raised,” Mayor Steve Donney said. The council looks forward to hearing more about the project at a later date.
A public hearing was opened during the council meeting to discuss a USDA grant which would help fund a generator at the wastewater treatment plant and other expenses around the city. No one was present with questions and so it was closed.
Heidi Bly Jones introduced herself to the council during the public forum to let them know that she is running for the seat of Fillmore County Auditor/Treasurer. The majority of her career has been spent in publicservice and she has served in the auditor/treasurer’s office for 11 years. She noted that she is certified by the State of Minnesota for property tax calculation and is the only person in Fillmore County who is certified. “I’m certified, I’m trustworthy, I’m principled, and I very much look forward to serving you,” Jones said. She thanked the council for their time.
The council voted to approve an increase of the Harmony Ambulance deferred compensation from $60 a month to $75. Mayor Donney abstained due to conflict of interest.
The southeast electric loop project and northwest project have been coming along although the weather has not been cooperating and has slowed down progress. The city is also working on a solution for making the bathrooms in the community center handicapped accessible. “It’ll be a major undertaking,” City Administrator Jerome Illg said, pointing out that the toilets are mounted directly to the walls. A motion was passed to continue working on the wastewater treatment plant and to replace the roof on the visitor’s center.
Council member Deb Swenson presented the EDA board report. The board has planned a list of projects and are working to check each one off. They are also considering installing a “Welcome to Harmony” sign at the south end of Harmony. 350 of the Harmony-Opoly games have been sold so far. Haunted Harmony will be held on October 18-21.
The Harmony Arts Board is looking for a tenth grader to serve on the board.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be held on November 13.
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