Newly hired Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce director, Beth Weedman was welcomed by the Harmony City Council at their June 11 meeting. She started the position in mid-May.
Harmony resident Ann Lyons noted that she had once again missed a library board meeting due to not knowing when it was. She asked how to find that information. City Clerk Samantha Grabau said that all department meetings are posted at the city offices. Lyons asked if it was possible to get the minutes from the previous library board meeting and was assured that they are available to the public.
The consent agenda was approved and included the minutes of the May 14 meeting, the claims and May checks, the cash in CD, and the cash balances.
After a city survey conducted by two council members, 23 letters were sent out to homeowners for a variety of nuisance violations as outlined in city ordinance 92.40. Many of them have been rectified or in the process of rectifying the situations. One of the homeowners asked to speak to the council about his property, but did not attend the meeting.
A pay request in the amount of $40,686.40 from Stantec for the 2024 street and utility project was approved.
The council reviewed and approved two liquor license applications, for Estelle’s Eatery and Bar and Harmony Golf Club.
Per Planning and Zoning’s recommendation, the council approved an amendment to the industrial zone ordinance. The rear yard for lots was changed from no less than 15 feet to no less than 30.
The regular EDA meeting for July falls on July 4, so it was moved to July 11. The council approved a motion to move the next city council meeting from July 9 to July 16 to allow time for the EDA’s meeting to take place beforehand.
Samantha Grabau reported that she had spoken to someone from MnDOT about road striping and was told that a list of contractors who work with MnDOT will be sent to the city and that MnDOT will evaluate the potential areas that need restriping.
The Harmony Chamber has an opening for a part-time assistant for the summer.
The splash pad is up and running and cameras have been installed. Council member Domingo Kingsley said that he felt the surface of the splash pad was slippery and asked if anything could be done about that. It was noted that the coating is supposed to prevent it from being slippery. Samantha Grabau said that a sign is on order that will recommend water shoes to be worn at the splash pad to prevent slipping.
Council member Michael Himlie reported that the library board meeting was well attended with public comments being heard by the board. The checkout time for DVDs has moved from seven to 21 days due to changes made by SELCO. Some funding in the library budget was moved from audio books on CD to online audio books as that format seems to be trending.
The Arts Board has new postcards which have been placed at a variety of businesses around Harmony. LaBarge will be playing for the Back Alley Jam series on June 20.
The council approved Joe Drinkwine and Nate Costigan as new members of the Harmony Fire Department.
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