The Harmony City Council received an update on the Dairyland Power project at their March 9 meeting, from Chris Giesen and Mike Bubany. The EDA recommends that the city provide water and sewer services to the site. Giesen noted that a state grant may help with some of the costs for that. The total costs for the entire project to the city are projected to be $630,000, but Dairyland Power will pay $315,000 to the city at the end of the project, which will cover half of that cost. Grant money and the Economic Development TIF district should cover the rest except for about $30,000 in engineering costs. The council approved Resolution 21-06 establishing the TIF district.
Dairyland Power estimates that the project will be completed by the end of the year and will begin as soon as internal approval is received for some costs that may be slightly higher than expected due to material shortages from COVID. Giesen recommended that if the council is agreeable to the project as planned, they approve it pending the Dairyland internal approval, which will be completed before the next council meeting.
Two public hearings were opened for comments and questions from the public, one for the establishment of the TIF district and the other for the business subsidy with Dairyland. Both were closed with no public input. The council approved the business subsidy agreement and the development agreement, both contingent on Dairyland’s approval of the extra project costs as well as a quote for geotechnical boring from Stantec. They also reviewed and approved a Dairyland Power Utility expansion improvements design and construction services letter proposal as presented by City Engineer Brett Grabau.
City Administrator Devin Swanberg noted that the city office copier has been having issues and needing more maintenance lately. As the copier was originally purchased in 2013, he recommended that it be replaced and asked the council if they would prefer to rent or purchase a new one. A motion was passed to purchase a new Ricoh copy machine with a maintenance plan.
A sewer blockage was identified at the beginning of March, but the maintenance department is working to resolve it.
The Harmony EDA recommended that the city council approve a revolving loan request from Bee Balm for the purchase and renovation of a building at 65 Main Street North in Harmony. The council approved the request.
Council member Jesse Grabau gave the Park Board report. The splash pad project has run into a snag as the rainwater and snow melt runoff shouldn’t go down the sewer drain. City Engineer Brett Grabau is looking into solutions for the issue. The council approved a resolution allowing City Administrator Devin Swanberg and Chris Giesen to apply for a DNR grant to help with costs for the splashpad.
Julie Little will be retiring from her position at the Harmony Public Library. The position will be advertised and anyone interested can contact Head Librarian Stephanie Morse at (507) 886-8133.
A grant was awarded to the Harmony Fire Department for a total of $94,000, which will go towards the purchase of a new fire truck and some loose equipment.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be on April 13 at 7 p.m.
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