At the August 14 Harmony City Council meeting, a public hearing was held to discuss a nuisance property in Harmony. City Clerk Samantha Grabau shared new photos with the council and it was noted that, while the weeds have been sprayed with Roundup, there has been no change to the building yet and there has been very little communication from the property owner. Corinne Haugen from Nethercut Schieber PA listed the options available to the city for the next steps which included extending the timeline if the council is satisfied with the progress made so far, pursuing an administrative search warrant to abate the issue, or issuing a citation through law enforcement. She noted that most cities go with the third option. The council discussed the possibility of obtaining written consent from the property owner to have the city board up the broken windows and nail the doors shut on the house. The costs for that would be assessed to the owner’s property taxes. Council member Michael Himlie pointed out that doing so would be a short-term solution, but as the house is not habitable, it needs to be torn down. Mayor Steve Donney made a motion to declare the property a public nuisance, issue a citation, and send a letter stating that a second citation will be issued if the property is not abated. The motion was approved.
The consent agenda was approved and included the minutes of the July 16 meeting, the claims and July checks, the cash in CD, and the cash balances.
City Engineer Brett Grabau reviewed pay request #3 in the amount of $227,147.43 to Bruening Rock Products for work on the 2024 street and utility project. The council approved the pay request.
The council reviewed Resolution 24-09 regarding a request for a permit for a haunted house commercial amusement from Julie Lewandowski. Typically, a two-day permit would be issued for events like that, but as Lewandowski has multiple dates planned for September, October, and November, a resolution is required to approve the permit. The council discussed the parking arrangements that Lewandowski has set up which includes an agreement with Harmony Enterprises for 40 parking spots and obtaining shuttles for parking at the Industrial Park. City Clerk Grabau noted that the resolution can always be amended later if necessary. Planning and Zoning will hold a public hearing on September 4 to discuss rezoning the property, which Haugen noted does fall under the city’s comprehensive plan. Resolution 24-09 was passed.
The personnel committee interviewed several applicants for the city administrator/clerk job and recommended Alissa Stelpflug for the position. A motion was approved to hire her with a one-year probationary period for 32 hours a week.
The annual inspection of the visitor center and waste water treatment plant roofs has been completed. Both roofs are in good shape, but in need of some minor repairs. The council approved the estimates for the work needed.
A trailer for Little Miss Harmony was purchased with a grant from the Harmony Area Community Foundation some time ago, but has not been used. The council approved a motion to accept sealed bids until 4:30 on October 4 for the sale of the trailer, with the HACF receiving the grant amount back. Any proceeds over that amount will go to the city of Harmony.
The EDA recommended that the council approve two revolving loans for local businesses in the amount of $35,000 and $25,000. The council approved both loans.
A letter was received from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation or SMIF requesting a donation from the city. Previously, the city has donated an average of $1,000 a year. Mayor Donney noted that SMIF has done a lot for Harmony. A donation of $1,000 was approved.
The 2025 preliminary budget was reviewed. The total levy amount was set at $957,836, which is an 8.5% increase. The city’s financial advisor had originally recommended a 10% increase. The council approved the maximum levy at 8.5%, noting that it can always be lowered before the final approval in December.
Resolution 24-11 regarding the city’s support for the Harmony Area Historical Society to apply for a grant from SMIF to create interpretive signs at the historic elevator was approved.
The city is currently transitioning properties to a new electric meter system so that meters can be read from the city office. Grabau reached out to Harmony Telephone/MiBroadband to see if the router and antenna needed for the system could be installed on their 160-foot tall tower in Harmony. A license agreement allowing the city to do so for a fee of $20 a month was approved.
Thanks were extended to Richard’s Sanitation for donating the cost of the dumpsters for the Fourth of July celebration back to the city.
The EDA board decided to lower the interest rate on the two revolving loan requests from the current prime rate of 8.5% to 6.5%.
The Arts Board will have a form available to the public for mural planning in Harmony. The postcard project is doing well in its second year. The board is planning a Paint Your Pet canvas painting event.
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