At the May 12 Harmony City Council meeting, the council discussed a letter received from a Harmony business owner about the cost of liquor licenses when many small businesses are facing financial hardships due to COVID-19. Mayor Steve Donney pointed out that around a third of the year’s business has been or will be lost during the stay-at-home order. As an ordinance would have to be passed changing the fees for this year, he suggested sending a rebate for a third of the previous year’s license fees instead. A motion was passed approving a rebate statute for COVID-19 benefits for forced closures. City Attorney Greg Schieber will verify the legality and wording for the statute.
Liquor license applications were approved for Pam’s Corner Store, Estelle’s Eatery, On the Crunchy Side, and Harmony Golf Course.
The consent agenda was approved and included the hiring of Pailey Gordon as a summer intern. Gordon, who will graduate high school in 2021, will assist with government meetings, social media, record retention, and other tasks around the city offices.
Mike Bubany from David Drown Associates was present at the meeting to discuss the resolution awarding the sale of a $2,098,000 GO improvement note for the 2020 street project. The funding will utilize the Minnesota Rural Water Association Mega loan program. The council approved the resolution.
City maintenance worker Corey Whalen presented a quote for a new Vaughn pump to replace the 30-year-old Aurora pump at the sewer plant. The total cost is $15,598 to replace the pump and funds are available in the storm water and sewer funds. It was noted that this is a needed purchase to keep the plant running.
People have been dumping garbage such as paint cans, air tanks, etc. at the brush dump. The council discussed options for installing a camera at the site and will create a social media post reminding residents what can and can’t be disposed of at the brush dump.
The council approved a property damage release for a crash involving a utility pole that took place on July 17, 2019.
A quote in the amount of $2,744 for gutters on the Harmony fire hall was approved. Without the gutters, rain will continue to cause damage to the building and concrete.
The installation date for the playground equipment at the community center was changed from May 2 to June 27 due to social distancing protocols.
The Harmony Public Library has begun working on phases for reopening the library based on recommendations from SELCO.
The firefighter memorial statue has arrived and a ceremony for its installation will be held at a later date.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be held on June 9 at 7 p.m.
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