The Harmony City Council approved Resolution 18-10 certifying the results of the municipal general election. Steve Donney was re-elected as mayor. Council members Kyle Morem and Stephen Sagen’s terms were up and so two spots were open on the council. Sagen was re-elected to fill one spot and Tony Webber was elected for the other.
A public hearing was held to discuss the delinquent utility accounts. No one was present from the public, and so the council approved Resolution 18-09 that will allow the city to list the delinquent amounts as special assessments on the tax rolls for 2019 taxes.
The flooring in the fire hall meeting room, office, bathrooms, and entry way need to be replaced. Fire Chief Rod Johnson provided the council with an estimate for an epoxy flooring in the amount of $11,384.00. The flooring would include the fire department insignia in the floor at no additional cost. Council member Debbie Swenson felt that the cost should come out of the city’s capital funds instead of the fire department’s budget as it’s more of a building and maintenance issue than equipment purchase. The details of the budget for the project will be determined when the city finalizes the 2019 budget next month. For the time being, the council approved a motion to move ahead with the flooring contingent on budgeting with the possibility of a 50% down payment.
Maintenance Director Chris Johnson informed the council of an issue at the wastewater treatment plant. When he opened the door at the plant, the room was full of steam as the boiler had superheated and was out of water by the time he arrived. He and the rest of the maintenance crew are working to get the air of the system now so that hot water can be fully circulated again.
The city’s leaf pick-ups are officially done for the year as the equipment is prepared for the upcoming winter weather.
The EDA reported that they have issued three housing rebates this year. The rebates are awarded when the exterior of the house is complete to allow the homeowners to use the funds for the interior. Out of the 750 HarmonyOpoly games available, 370 have been purchased so far. The EDA received a revolving loan request for a potential yarn and fiber store that would be opened on Main Street. The loan committee had approved the request and recommended it to the council, who also approved it.
Several young people will be attending an upcoming Arts Board meeting to determine if they’re interested in joining as student members.
One bid has been received for the community center bathrooms project so far. The bathrooms were originally designed for elementary aged children and so the toilets are very low to the ground and not ADA compliant. Unfortunately, it appears that the project will be a large, expensive undertaking. More information will be presented to the council at a later date as research is done.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be held on December 11 at 7 p.m.
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