Harmony resident Dan Dornink attended the November 12 Harmony City Council meeting to discuss the plans for the proposed playground. “It has come to my attention that we’re talking about putting a new playground outside the community center here. I would like to ask the council to reconsider the location as this side of town is already well served by playgrounds,” he said, adding that the southeastern corner of Harmony currently does not have any playgrounds. “I support the park idea. I just ask that you guys consider looking into this,” he noted. The council thanked him for his input.
Sandy Strozyk updated the council on the progress for the proposed splashpad in Harmony. So far, $5,000 has been raised, and the funds from Give to the Max Day on Thursday, November 14 are going to the splashpad as well. “It will be a big asset to our community,” she said. “Hopefully the money comes in because it’s a really great project.”
Jennifer Nelson from the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation or SMIF reviewed what SMIF does for the 20 counties in Minnesota that it covers, including Fillmore County. The foundation’s focus is on three different areas, which include working with aspiring entrepreneurs, supporting community vitality, and early childhood development. They are a gap lender and are partnered with local lenders and Economic Development Associations. They also offer grants. “We’re partnered to help business growth in this community,” she said, adding that community vitality is SMIF’s biggest area of work within Fillmore County. “Thanks to the council for your support. We appreciate the contributions you’ve made to the work that we do,” she said. The council thanked her for speaking and approved a $1,000 donation to SMIF.
The Harmony Fire Department recently received a grant that allowed them to purchase a heavy duty extractor washing machine for their turnout gear. Carcinogens and smoke can build up in the gear over time, causing an increased risk of cancer and other health problems so washing them more frequently will help keep the firefighters safe. A request was made by the department to increase the fire pension from $950 per year of service to $1,000 per year of service. The council approved the request with Mayor Steve Donney abstaining due to a conflict of interest.
A snow removal agreement with MnDOT was approved.
Resolution 19-07 was approved, allowing the council to move forward with the installation of two dynamic speed signs on Highway 52 on either side of Harmony. The signs would show each vehicle’s speed as they pass and encourage people to slow down appropriately. The next step for the project is to submit the city’s permit to MnDOT and wait for approval. In addition to the resolution, the council also passed a motion allowing the purchase of the signs contingent on the permit’s approval.
The council considered the possible sale of the city’s trailer jetter which was purchased approximately 10 years ago, but has not been utilized in the last couple of years. Council member Steve Sagen pointed out that the building and maintenance department could need it again at some point so it may not be the best idea to sell it. The matter was tabled until the December council meeting.
The EDA recently sold a section of land just off of Industrial Boulevard to Dairyland Power Cooperative. The council approved a resolution for a grant from BDPI for the project as well as a letter of understanding. “This is a good project to have in our community,” City Administrator Jerome Illg said.
City Attorney Greg Schieber informed the council that the initial survey paper work and title work is complete for the bike trail extension project and the closing documents are being set up.
The sewer line from Highway 52 to the edge of the Industrial Park is partially clogged with a paint-like substance. A letter will be sent to business owners in the park warning them of the clog and making them aware of materials that are not allowed to be washed down the drain.
The Park Board recently decided to shrink the community center playground project slightly, which will help cut down on costs. The council considered Dornink’s input on the location of the playground, but felt that the community center was still the best place for it. City Clerk Eileen Schansberg pointed out that she has received multiple questions from groups that book the community center for events about the lack of playground equipment for kids there. Council member Lynn Mensink also noted that ECFE is also held at the community center and would benefit from having a playground. The council approved a motion to purchase the playground equipment recommended by the Park Board.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be held on December 10 at 7 p.m.
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