Logan Tjossem from Widseth reviewed the city’s Comprehensive Plan draft with the Harmony City Council at their December 12 meeting. Creating the plan was a detailed process with a committee being formed, a community night out event for input and multiple meetings. During the process, it was discovered that there was a discrepancy in the city zoning maps so the committee is working with the state to verify the city boundaries. The committee recommended that the council approve the updated Comprehensive Plan without the maps included. Mayor Steve Donney asked if future councils will have the ability to change things in the plan. Tjossem said that they will be encouraged to review it and make changes as necessary as the plan is meant to be a living breathing document. Resolution 23-15 adopting the Comprehensive Plan was approved.
The consent agenda was approved and included the minutes of the November meeting, the claims and November checks, the cash in CD, and the cash balances.
The Truth-in Taxation hearing was opened and closed with no public comments or questions. Resolution 23-16 approving the 2024 levy was approved at a total of $882,798.
Fire Chief Rod Johnson was present at the meeting to request that the council approve the purchase of a new pumper tank. The current truck is 30 years old and is due for replacement. The new truck will cost $522,920 and if it is paid in full up front, a discount of $38,000 will be given. It will take three years to build after the purchase date. If ordered after the end of 2023, the price will go up and the turnaround time will increase. The trade-in value of the current truck is $125,000. The fire department funds will cover close to half of the amount. A motion to purchase the pumper truck and pay half down to receive half of the discount was approved.
The council reviewed the proposed contract with the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department. Some changes will be made, such as the city no longer owning the squad car and paying a hourly rate. Currently, the city pays just over $125,000 for the contract. The new contract would cost a total yearly rate of $126,168. “We’ve had great service from the sheriff’s office,” city clerk Samantha Grabau stated. The contract was approved.
At the September council meeting, the replacement of the non-functioning washer compactor at the Waste Water Treatment Plant was approved. During a pre-installation inspection, the bar screener was found to not be functioning properly as well. If it fails, the plant will stop operating completely so replacement is vital. The council approved the purchase.
A bid for geotechnical boring from Chosen Valley Testing was approved for the work to be done for the 2024 street project.
The council approved two downtown revitalization grants from the EDA for a total of $40,000 as well as the continuation of the New Home Construction Rebate program for 2024. A request from the EDA to authorize the purchase of additional land for the bike trail project was also approved. Some places in the trail will need to be slightly wider than the original 30-foot corridor that had been purchased.
Resolution 23-17 was approved, adopting an Earned Sick and Safe Time policy as required by the state.
The city’s auditing firm, ABDO, also offers financial services support which would be beneficial for training in new employees and for training the city clerk in auditing. A proposal for the services was approved.
Karen Apenhorst was hired as the city’s new finance clerk.
Resolution 23-12 was approved, designating the Harmony Community Center as the polling place for 2024 and 2025.
It was reported that the maintenance crew has been seeing a lot of FOG or Fats, Oils, and Grease in the plant lately which is costly to clean out. The city will be conducting some community education so residents will be aware of what they can safely dump down their drains and what they can’t.
The fundraiser at the Harmony Public Library raised nearly $1,000 for new books. They are planning to make it an annual event.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be held on January 9 at 7 p.m.
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