Barb Knabel addressed the Harmony City Council at their March 12 meeting on behalf of Camp Companion, which is a non-profit, foster-based adoption organization for cats. Camp Companion runs a Trap, Neuter, Return (or TNR) program and has partnered with the Preston Veterinarian Clinic and the city of Preston to do so. Knabel asked the council to consider partnering with Camp Companion as well, noting that there is a large population of feral cats in Harmony. She has spent her own money trapping and fixing cats, but there’s always more. “One person can’t do it,” she said. Council member Michael Himlie asked what the cost would be to the city if it partnered with Camp Companion for a TNR program. Knabel said that the total fee charged by the Preston Veterinarian Clinic for each cat would be split between the city and Camp Companion, coming out to $34-$44 for the city to pay.
The consent agenda was approved and included the minutes of the February 12 meeting, the claims and February checks, the cash in CD, and cash balances.
The council reviewed the 2024 price sheet from Southern Minnesota Recycling for a citywide cleanup day in Harmony. Items that are able to be disposed of include appliances, tires, computers, etc. Items would need to be brought to the community center. The council asked City Clerk Samantha Grabau to schedule a date for the cleanup in early June if possible.
After careful review, Planning and Zoning recommended that the council approve a Conditional Use Permit, or CUP, for an Airbnb owned by Leslie Andrade in an area that is zoned as R-1. Neighbors within a 500-foot radius of the proposed Airbnb were contacted for input and all were in favor of approval with one even mentioning that they thought it would be an improvement over the previous long-term rental. Planning and Zoning recommended approval of the CUP until change of ownership. The council approved it indefinitely.
Planning and Zoning also reviewed a Conditional Use Permit for the Overland Group for a retail variety store to be built in Harmony. They found that the conditional use standards had been met and recommended the council approve the CUP conditional on the following changes being made: ensuring that water rate control and run-off is the same or less than current run-off, ensuring screening and buffering with a fence and 6-foot arborvitae trees, and having the exterior lighting and signage on a timer with security lights on after business hours. Himlie said that he felt the proposed store did not fit into the city’s Comprehensive Plan, which puts an emphasis on the small-town feel of the community. “I think it’s valuable to look at the Comprehensive Plan as a guide,” he said. A motion was made to approve the CUP with Planning and Zoning’s conditions along with including language that any change in landscape or plans must be reviewed by Planning and Zoning, a hitching post would be made available to the Amish, and that all MPCA and MnDOT permits and regulations would be followed. The motion was approved, with Councilor Domingo Kingsley abstaining and Councilor Himlie voting against.
Two purchase agreements for areas of land for the bike trail were reviewed. City Attorney Greg Schieber noted that the city would front the costs with the plan that the DNR would then take over the project and reimburse the city later. Both purchase agreements were approved.
The council revisited the issue of semi and trailer parking in the Industrial Park. As the planned development is no longer moving forward, it is no longer necessary to restrict parking in that area. It was noted that as more lots are sold, the matter will be revisited. The council approved a motion to reinstate parking for semis and trailers in the Industrial Park as allowed previously.
The heating and cooling units in three of the city offices are failing. A quote for just over $9,000 to install mini split units was approved, with Kingsley abstaining.
The EDA is considering a proposal from Stephen Devereux of Eden Renewables regarding a solar array that he would like to install in an undeveloped portion of the industrial park. The EDA will continue the discussion at their April meeting.
The Harmony Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed Mason Weedman as the newest board member. The position of part-time director will be posted this week for applicants.
Information on the tree program will be placed in the next round of utility bills, as well as being posted in the city offices and on the website. All forms will be due by June 3. Trees will be half price if they are planted in the boulevard and full price for other spots.
Arts Board student representative Eva Hemenway started an annual postcard contest last year. This year, the theme is “Let’s Have Harmony.” Submissions are due by April 10.
The next Harmony City Council meeting will be held on April 9 at 7 p.m.
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