By Nancy Bratrud
Preston, MN
Have you voted yet? My mother, a first-generation American, told me to always vote! While I haven’t always done as my mother told me to do, voting is imperative.
You may already have voted, taking advantage of the many expanded opportunities to cast a ballot in Minnesota. My mother would have approved. I will vote at my local polling place on election day. Do you know where to vote and do you have your identification to be sure that your vote will be tallied? This is what you need to think about.
All Minnesota voters will have these races on the ballot: U.S. Representative, Governor and Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, State Auditor, Attorney General, State Senator, State Representative, Judicial seats.
In addition, many local, county, and city officers, such as school board members, township officers and local ballot questions will be on the ballot. Inform yourself. It is your choice.
This election requires some preparation by every voter. If you need some help, call the MN Secretary of State at 1-877-600-VOTE(8683), or call your local county election officer. This newspaper will publish sample ballots twice on October 24 and on the 31st. The paper is also printing candidate statements prior to the election.
We have the duty and privilege as citizens to cast our ballots. Who you vote for is your decision. Think about it. Inform yourself. I was born a Republican, but I have become a Democrat primarily because the Democratic party positions on women’s issues. As a woman I am privileged to vote these days. It took a long time from 1776 for a woman to be granted the right to vote and it took a struggle to win that right. I will not take it for granted. Study the issues and study the candidates’ positions on issues. As a woman, I cannot vote for Republican candidates these days. As a political party member, the Republican candidates are expected to support the party positions. Those positions are contrary to this woman’s values. I am not alone in this choice.
Annonymous says
Well I think you should both educate yourself on Riley Gaines. And maybe quit watching so much CNN or MSNBC. I do not feel that the Democratic Party has women’s interest in mind at all. I feel that they have votes in mind, and they are supported by a great deal of popular news programs. I think it is important to be able to think a little bit laterally. I have voted democrat often, but at this point I think they are hurting a lot of gains made by the women’s right movement with the men competing in women’s sports, and casually walking through their locker rooms.. Doesn’t seem right to me. Doesn’t seem real scientific. Just a thought. Please, before you reply read about the struggles female athletes have with their male counterparts in the same sport.
George Spangler says
Well said, Nancy! We have a lot to do to fix structural flaws in a document that ignored women, allowed slavery, counted slaves as 3/5ths of a “person” and tacked on a Bill of Rights as an afterthought to governance.