State Sen. 26A
By Senator Jeremy Miller
Fillmore, Houston and
Winona Counties
It’s crunch time here at the Capitol as we move through the last week of the 2022 legislative session. The week kicked off with the announcement of a bipartisan end of session agreement and now the conference committees are working diligently on finalizing the details.
Ever since the release of the November budget forecast showed a massive budget surplus for the state, Republicans have been focused on initiatives to give the money back to the people. Our proposal included the full elimination of Social Security taxes as well as an income tax reduction resulting in permanent ongoing tax relief to put more money in people’s pockets every single paycheck week after week, month after month, year after year.
I’m happy to share that the agreement we reached will include $4 billion in tax relief. The rest of the details will be worked on in the bipartisan Taxes conference committee. Permanent ongoing tax relief for hardworking Minnesotans, families, and seniors will continue to be a priority for Republicans as the conference committee continues to meet.
In addition to tax relief, this agreement includes funding to deliver targeted investments for public safety, education, nursing homes, and core infrastructure projects. With violent crime out of control, kids falling behind in the classroom, and nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and disability service providers facing potential closures, this agreement makes critical investments across the state at a time when they are needed most. The total amount of spending is $4 billion over the next three years.
Finally, this agreement leaves over $4 billion on the bottom line. Keeping this money on the bottom line is the fiscally responsible thing to do, especially as the economy appears to be slowing down.
As always, your feedback is extremely important to me, and I encourage you to share your input on the issues being discussed here at the Capitol. If you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas, please send me an email at sen.jeremy.miller@senate.mn or call my Capitol office at (651) 296-5649. It’s a great honor to serve as your State Senator.
Rural Mn resident Patriot says
Hey Jeremy:
Why did you waste the surplus the state “stole” from us? You gave $1 billion to education? I bet it goes to the teacher’s union to fund their pension funds. It seems to me the more money MN spends on education; the kids seem to fall further behind. You must follow the Democratic playbook. Just through money at the problem and it will go away. How about “defunding” the entire welfare system in the state? If you quit giving lazy people money, they will go somewhere else, like maybe CA.