Chatfield City Engineer Craig Britton explained at the city council’s November 27 meeting that there is aged and undersized infrastructure, water and sewer, under this portion of Winona St. SE. Councilors Mike Urban and Paul Novotny were absent.
A resolution in support of an application for a Local Road Improvement Project (LRIP) grant through MnDOT was adopted. The section of Winona St. from Highway 52 to Third St. SE is considered to be a route of regional significance, making it eligible for LRIP funding. The grant application is for projects to be completed from 2024 through 2026.
The Winona St. SE/CSAH 5 project includes street and utility reconstruction, drainage improvements, and sidewalk improvements.
Fillmore County has indicated county funds could be available in 2026 to fund the county’s portion of the project in the event the city receives the LRIP grant. The county has agreed to sponsor the LRIP application and act as the city’s sponsor and fiscal agent for the project. The total amount of the grant for this project, if awarded, will be about $362,000. The city cost will be about $984,000.
Third St. SW (CSAH 2) could also have been eligible for LRIP funding. The county, at this time, was not able to commit to both projects. Due to the aged and undersized utilities under Winona St., the choice was to improve Winona St. SE first.
The awarding of grants will be announced in March 2024.
Other Business in Brief
• Fire Chief Luke Thieke explained the city’s tanker truck is 20 years old and due for rotation. However, it is in good shape, so the recommendation was to have it refurbished with new tires, another drop tank, and chains. An estimate in the amount of $17,240 from Wit Boyz Inc. for the purchase and installation of these items was approved.
• Andy O’Connor’s res-ignation as CCTV Administrator was accepted, effective December 10. O’Connor would like to continue in the coordinator positions for football and boys basketball.
• Approval was granted to advertise the CCTV Administrator position.
• The 2024 contract for services for preservation planner was approved. Robert C. Vogel, Pathfinder CRM, LLC, will continue to serve as the city’s preservation planner.
• An application for an Exempt Lawful Gambling Permit for St. Mary’s Catholic Church was approved.
• The city council meets next on December 11.
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