The Preston Area Community Foundation (PACF) is gearing up for Give to the Max Day, which is set for Thursday, November 16. Give to the Max Day is Minnesota’s state wide day of giving. This is the sixth consecutive year PACF has participated in this event, with all donations going into the endowment fund. The endowment fund and earnings are used locally for worthwhile community projects and programs. The foundation has set a goal of educating people about the importance of the foundation to the greater Preston and Fountain areas and, ultimately, increasing the number of donors. PACF ha set a 2017 Give to the Max Day goal of $20,000 during this 24 hour period. Last year, the foundation raised $18,390 on Give to the Max Day.
This year we have matching dollars available from F & M Community Bank and the First State Bank of Fountain/Root River State Bank. The first $5,000 donated to PACF on November 16 will be matched dollar for dollar by the F & M Community Bank and Dan Christianson. As an added incentive, F & M and Dan Christianson have also pledged an additional 10% bonus on the total amount the community contributes that day. In addition, the first $1,000 donated by Fountain residents and business(s) will be matched $1 for $1 by the First State Bank of Fountain/Root River State Bank. With these generous incentives, it is a great day to make a tax deductible contribution to PACF with more than double the impact!
In the past year, PACF has awarded grants to assist with Fillmore County DAC newly constructed kitchen, city of Fountain veterans memorial, Fountains park and recreation department for softball equipment and ball field improvements, Fillmore Central’s baseball park and the Preston Arts Council community mural.
PACF is making it very easy to donate this year. You can donate securely online November 16 from midnight to 11:59 p.m. with your debit or credit card at You can also drop off your donation anytime between now and November 16 at F & M Community Bank in Preston and First State Bank of Fountain/Root River State Bank. Your checks will be processed on November 16 to take advantage of the matching incentives. PACF board members will be at the F & M Community Bank lobby on Thursday, November 16 serving cookies and coffee.
PACF is organized as an endowed designated fund of the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation.
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