Radon gas is found in homes. Radon gas can cause lung cancer. The only way to know if you have radon is to test your home. To obtain a free kit, contact Fillmore County Public Health at (507) 765-2636 or stop by Marzolf Implement, 1221 S. Section Ave., Spring Valley, on Tuesday, February 28 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Fillmore County residents may also have nitrates in their private well. High nitrate levels can cause Blue Baby Syndrome in infants. Having high nitrates may also mean you have other harmful substances in your well. To have your water tested for nitrates, bring one cup of well water in a clean glass or plastic container, to Marzolf Implement during the above date and time. Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) staff will be onsite to conduct nitrate testing and results will be provided in minutes. SWCD staff will also have bacteria testing kits for $25.00 that you can purchase and take home to use.
For radon testing and mitigation information, call FCPH at (507) 765-3898. Call SWCD at (507) 765-3878, ext. 3 for info about nitrate and bacteria testing in water.
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