Madeline Kingsbury, 26, disappeared on the morning of Friday, March 31, 2023. She didn’t show up for work, and she didn’t pick up her children at daycare at the end of the day.
She just vanished.
While Maddi lived in Winona County, law enforcement has been seeking answers relating to her disappearance in Fillmore and Houston Counties. In April, for several weeks in a row, more than 2,000 volunteers searched hundreds of acres along Highway 43 from Winona, Minn., to Mabel, Minn.
Adam Fravel is listed as the biological father of 5-year-old Elliana and 2-year-old Noah, but he has no official custodial rights. So, this meant that the children had no legal guardian.
On Monday, May 15, 2023, standing in the Winona County District Court, Fravel sought custody of his two children.
The children have been placed under the care of their grandparents, Maddi’s parents David and Cathy Kingsbury.
A trial in Winona County District Court relating to the custody of the children has been set for June 6, 2023.
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