By Rich Wicks
On April 4, a regular meeting of the Fountain City Council was held, with all members in attendance (Mayor Richard Kujath, Bryan Ostby, Jim Schott, David Gudmundson, Chad Wangen, and City Clerk Rhonda Flattum). The council discussed the idea of adopting the “Minnesota basic code” which would provide ordinances to cover the vast majority of issues a small city may face. Flattum pointed out that the city attorney highly recommends Fountain adopt this code, since it has been tested in the courts, and provides an excellent base for the city’s ordinances. There is also the option to adopt “Title 17” which allows the city to edit the basic ordinances for needs specific to Fountain. Flattum said the MN basic code would cost a one-time fee of $850. She also pointed out that the previously discussed idea of the council reviewing individual ordinances for updating would take far too long, because state laws would likely change in some areas before a complete review was done. After discussion, the council voted to purchase the MN basic code and Title 17 option.
Mike and Emily Root addressed the council regarding their plans to bring in a small building on their property. Mike said it will measure roughly 10’ by 16’ and will be on skids. The council voiced no concerns, and suggested he should go ahead and apply for a permit to proceed. Mike and Emily also asked if they could be allowed to raise a small number of chickens on their property. They said all of the chickens would be hens, and that all of the neighbors have indicated no objections. Jim Schott explained that the council has previously dealt with similar requests, and has an ordinance stipulating no farm animals within city limits. He added that in the past, the city ran into problems with a wide variety of animals, and that setting a precedent is a problem. Emily asked the council to please consider their request on an individual basis, and Mike added, “Just consider it, that’s all we ask.” Mayor Kujath replied, “The only thing is, we have an ordinance in place.” No further action was taken.
Brian Krenz addressed the council on behalf of Historic Bluff Country, and encouraged Fountain to again have a membership with this tourism group. He said the group is able to advertise to a much broader geographic area than a small town alone could afford, and he said Fountain would benefit from additional tourism. Mayor Kujath said, “It’s something we’ll look into; we want to see what the fee is going to be.” Krenz said the exact rates are still being determined, but he will provide them to Fountain as soon as they are available.
John Hanson (City Maintenance) asked the council to consider buying a new type of LED street light pole and fixture. The council elected to buy one as a trial. He also discussed the squad car the city is trying to sell. He explained there are options to sell it by sealed bids, auction, or simply selling it outright. Hanson will check to see if any better offers are made, but if not, the council approved it to be sold to Wit Boyz dealership.
The council approved two zoning requests, from Paul Hamann and Ron Junge, pending applicable permits are obtained. The council also considered a request for a liquor license for Beaver Bottoms Saloon (On-sale, On-sale Sunday, Off-sale, and Off-sale Sunday). After discussion with the owners, the council voted to approve the request.
A request for a street closure from 3-6 p.m. for a farmers market was discussed. Jim Schott shared his opinion that closing the street on a Friday afternoon would not be wise, especially since the bank would still be open. Council members suggested the farmers market perhaps could be in a vacant lot or the city park instead.
The council discussed having a citywide cleanup day. There would be a dumping fee charged to the city, but the exact rates are not yet known. The date was tentatively set for the third Saturday in May. The council also approved Plunkett Pest Control to spray for insects in various areas of the city park, from April through October, at a cost of $350 for the year.
Rhonda Flattum stated that City Attorney Luhmann has provided a proposed personnel policy and sexual harassment policy. After discussion, the council voted to adopt them as submitted. The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. The next regular meeting will be Wednesday, May 2 at 7:30 p.m.
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