Flossie Schultz
Candidate for Preston City Council
1. Tell us about yourself.
I’ve been a resident of Preston for 10 years, and was honored to be appointed to serve on the city council when a seat became vacant earlier this year. I grew up in Southwest Minnesota and graduated from Augustana College in Sioux Falls with a bachelor’s degree in social work and sociology. Over the years, I’ve lived on farms and in cities, have owned and operated a small business, rehabbed properties, have raised a family and assisted elderly relatives.
2. Why are you running for office?
I believe my diverse background, life experience, and interest in a thriving city qualify me to represent the citizens of Preston on the council. During the past year I’ve attended meetings of Preston’s Planning and Zoning, Economic Development, and Tourism Boards to become familiar with how our city government operates.
3. What do you hope to accomplish if you get elected?
I’ll be on the ballot on November because I want to encourage and participate in Preston’s business growth and continued status as a beautiful family friendly community. Thank you for your vote, Flossie Schultz.
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