At the February 21 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, board member Sue Sikkink asked how many days of flex learning the students have had during this school year and how they have been going. Superintendent Olstad said that there have been three days of flex learning so far and they have gone well. The elementary students complete “bingo” sheets with flex learning assignments and high school students sign into classes on their school laptops. Board member Shelly Topness asked if it would be possible to clarify start times for the high school when a two-hour late start is called the night before and then changed to a flex learning day the next morning. She commented that she had received questions about that from other parents. Olstad will note the start time in future announcements.
Superintendent Heath Olstad gave the K-6 and Community Ed reports. February is “I Love to Read” month, and the elementary school students are working on filling out reading calendars to earn rewards. They are also having dress up days on Wednesdays to celebrate. Thanks were extended to the Preston Fire Department for their donation so that each student can receive a free book during the month of February. The winter sports are wrapping up, and spring sports will be starting in March. Congratulations were given to One Act Play for taking second at sub-sections and fourth at sections. Parent/teacher conferences will take place on March 9. A variety of jobs are available in One Block at a Time and the SAC program.
Doc Schoepski, Andy Todd, and Ty Sloan were approved as spring coaches. A resignation from One Block at a Time employee Katie Kerns was accepted. Natalie Atwood was hired for One Block at a Time and Cari Ledin as a preK paraprofessional.
The school calendar for the 2023-2024 school year was reviewed. Board member Jennifer Pickett noted that there weren’t many changes from this school year to the next one on the calendar except for the shifting of dates. The upcoming school year’s calendar was approved.
An open enrollment request was approved by the board.
The school calendar listed the next school board meeting on March 21, but the fourth Tuesday is actually March 28. The meeting will be held on March 28 at 6:30 pm in the high school meeting room.
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