Fillmore County Assessor Jason McCaslin reviewed some possible property assessment changes at the board’s November 14 meeting.
The Truth in Taxation notice comes out later this month. McCaslin updated the board to make them aware of possible assessment changes. With the new Tax/Cama software there will be a new process to notify property owners that may qualify for special ag homestead classification. An application will be sent in July, a notice will be sent in September, and a second notice will be sent in November.
McCaslin explained that currently, the city of Wykoff has a median sale ratio of 71.12% based on seven sales, which could result in a significant increase in residential values to bring them into compliance. He explained four of the sales include inaccurate or outdated information. He will try to get a couple of the sales thrown out of the study to limit valuation increases.
Timber land values are expected to have another large increase in 2024. Tillable land values are also expected to increase. He suggested the annual regional trend would result in an increase of over 14%. The median sales ratio with the Time Adjustment applied is 82.27%, which could require a 20% increase in tillable land values for 2024. He added the removal of one month (January 2022) allows the trend to flatten, making it run closer to the regional trend.
McCaslin stressed that these numbers are part of an initial review; nothing has been finalized at this point.
Highway Department
Four projects were reviewed that are routes of regional significance and therefore could be eligible for Local Road Improvement Project (LRIP) funds from MnDot. Cities are responsible for underground work including utility reconstruction, drainage improvements, and a portion of sidewalk improvements on these roads which lie within a city’s limits.
The board approved a resolution of support and agreement to sponsor the city of Rushford for a LRIP project for the reconstruction of Elm St. from Jessie St. (Trunk Highway 30) to Trunk Highway 16.
The board approved a resolution of support and agreement to sponsor the city of Spring Valley for an LRIP project for the reconstruction of CSAH 8 (Tracy Rd./CSAH 8 and CSAH 1 and Broadway Ave. project) with a letter of support for the application.
The board approved a resolution of support and agreement to sponsor the city of Chatfield for an LRIP project for the reconstruction of CSAH 5 (Winona St. SE).
The board approved a resolution of support and agreement to sponsor the city of Chatfield for a LRIP project for the reconstruction of CSAH 2 (Third St. SW).
The low bid submitted by Croell Inc. in the amount of $847,966.32 was accepted for concrete overlay for a portion of CSAH 1. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $1,066,850.
A bid submitted by Rochester Sand & Gravel was accepted in the amount of $1,170,664.50 for the surface reconditioning project on a portion of CSAH 4. The engineer’s estimate was $1,321,605.
The historic Forestville Bridge was moved around noon this day by ICON Constructors, LLC to a rehabilitation site. County Engineer Ron Gregg says it could take up to five years before the bridge is returned to the location over the river.
Other Business in Brief
• The 2024 Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA) contract for EDA services was approved at a cost of $47,346 per year. This represents a 4.9% increase over last year.
• A 2024 Schneider Geospatial contract was approved for annual GIS consulting at a cost of $14,016.
• The 2023 Audit Statement of work from CliftonLarsonAllen LLP with additional requirements was approved. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery explained there are additional costs to comply with new risk standards in the IT area (test for security of financial software).
• A change order request pertaining to the storm water system underneath the new jail building was approved, if necessary to comply with permit requirements of the state. The change order cost not to exceed $19,975.03 was submitted by Veit & Company, Inc.
• The board meets next on November 28.
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