My thanks to Fillmore County neighbors for standing up and defending their right to clean water. Water is not forever. Water is finite, diminishing. I grew up on a Burt County, Nebr., farm (not all that far from the Ogalala aquifer) where we of the third and fourth generation, needing to dig a second well, held our breath as we plumbed so much deeper than anyone could have imagined necessary. Without a doubt, the recent breakdown in the Colorado River negotiations should be an alarm bell for us all, its deafening sound not that far away. It’s time for “we the MPCA” to take a much longer view, hitch our moral compass to that proverbial “North Star.” Hopefully, to guide ourselves –– safely and in good health – home (and let’s pray it’s still there). Stick together, family and friends! A long way to go!
Judith Monson
St. Paul, Minn.
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