Sheriff John DeGeorge, Chief Deputy Lance Boyum, and Investigator Dan Dornink explained the need to upgrade equipment at the county board’s May 28 meeting.
Boyum said they had met with Motorola Solutions regarding an upgrade to the squad car camera mobile upload system. They also received information on body cameras.
The current camera mobile system is at its maximum capacity. The new system would provide unlimited storage capacity (uploads to the cloud) and it will upload automatically when a squad parks at the sheriff’s office.
Commissioner Mitch Lentz said they had discussed the proposed upgrades in committee. The new system will eliminate security risks. He said it is the right thing to do. Purchase of the new squad car camera mobile upload system was approved at a cost of $29,500 for the first year, which includes installation and transmitters for the squad cars. After the first year, it will cost $13,555 per year for unlimited cloud storage.
DeGeorge said they expect there will be a mandate for body cameras. Dornink explained there are two models available from Motorola for the same price. They can integrate with existing systems. The cost would be about $88,000 for 20 cameras for patrol officers, with, a five-year contract. Three more body cameras for jailers would cost an additional $12,000.
DeGeorge believes the body cameras will be a positive addition because they will record everything. A deputy can’t remember everything, but the camera will. The only negative is the cost of the cameras. Boyum said they will have a policy for deputies and jailers as to when the cameras need to be on.
A motion was approved to move forward with the planning process for the purchase of body cameras.
Other Business in Brief
• A motion approved at the May 7 meeting to purchase a 2024 John Deere 60-inch zero-turn mower for the airport at a cost of $14,600 was amended to the purchase of a 72-inch zero-turn mower at a cost of $14,900. The higher cost for the purchase of the mower was approved due to availability. The county’s portion of the purchase price will be $4,680. The balance will be paid for with a state grant.
• A resolution was approved to reduce the Airport Terminal Building project retainage from 5% to 3%.
• A detour agreement and resolution with MnDOT was approved. The agreement provides payment in the amount of $4,629.32 to the county for use and maintenance of CSAH 1 and CSAH 14 (about 6 miles). The detour route on county roads will be in effect for about a month during a period when MnDOT works on Trunk Highway 56, which will be shut down on both sides of LeRoy to work on an in-town project.
• The resignation of Justin Kraling, property appraiser, was approved after two years of service, effective May 31. Approval was granted to hire a replacement from a list of applicants from February 2024. Isaak Solum was hired, effective June 10.
• Approval was granted to add a full-time jailer position.
• Anna Bailey was hired as a replacement Public Health social worker, effective May 30.
• Approval was granted for the payment of Paybook #13 for the jail project. The total to be paid out is $285,837.48.
• An application for fireworks displays at Eagle Cliff Campground on July 6 was approved.
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