At the March 26 meeting of the county board, County Engineer Ron Gregg asked commissioners to adopt a resolution to include with the application for a Public Land Survey System (PLSS) Preservation Program Grant.
The state funding approved by the legislature in 2023 will help counties find the perpetuation of monuments that mark public survey corners.
The resolution authorizes the submission of “a proposal to Minnesota IT Services Office of Minnesota Geospatial Information (MnGEO) for a project to restore, maintain, and update PLSS land corners in Fillmore County.”
The total request is for $300,000. If awarded, the appropriate officials will enter into necessary agreements beginning in February 2024 through March 2026. The resolution was adopted as presented.
Other Business in Brief
- Gregg reported he had received two bids for the surfacing conditioning project in the city of Prosper. The lower bid submitted by Griffin Construction Co., Inc. in the amount of $480,886.85 was accepted. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $522,387.25.
- The final payment in the amount of $27,597.56 to Icon Constructors, Inc. was approved for the replacement of a bridge in Arendahl Township. The total value of the work was $551,951.10.
- The advertisement internally and externally simultaneously for a replacement social worker (child welfare/PSOP/truancy) was approved as recommended by the social services manager and the personnel committee.
- An access permit to widen an existing field driveway on CR 23 to accommodate large machinery was approved for Elliot Rustad, section 15 of Amherst Township.
- Chairman Duane Bakke reported that a temporary bridge will likely be put into place in May to provide access to Historic Forestville. The temporary bridge will be for foot traffic only.
- A liquor license was approved for Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center.
- At the March 12 meeting of the board there was a closed-door session held per attorney/client privilege to discuss a settlement agreement for the Amish Septic Case. After that meeting the board unanimously approved a motion allowing attorney Brett Corson to continue negotiations on behalf of the county for a settlement agreement for the Amish Septic Case.
- Bakke reported that he and County Administrator Bobbie Hillery will speak on the election process, transparency, and election integrity at the Mabel Community Center on April 6 from 9-10 a.m. The League of Women Voters invite you to attend.
- Requested street closures were approved for Preston during Preston Trout Days (May 18) and PREVENT 22 (June 22).
- The annual township meeting held at the Preston Servicemen’s Club will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, April 9.
- The county board meets next on April 2.
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